As a generic technology, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is present in many scientific areas, in fact ICT brings unique responses to society’s challenges such as the growing needs for sustainable healthcare and ageing well, for better security and privacy, for a lower carbon economy and for intelligent transport.
The ICT Area of the Miami Scientific Italian Community offers direct design skills for embedded systems with particular reference to SENSOR NETWORKING, CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMS, COMPUTER VISION, ANALYSIS OF BIG DATA, ENVIRONMENTAL MODELING.
The offer is implemented through 3 operating R&D laboratories: IoT lab, CV Lab and EN.GIS Lab
Our technology areas can be grouped into the following:
- Smart Cities
- Environmental monitoring
- Logistics
- eHealth
- Security
- Ambient Assisted Living – AAL
- Home Automation
- Electronic ticketing
The technological offer is finally completed and integrated by training activities that ensure the correct transfer of skills to the enterprises’ staff.