Miami Scientific Italian Community in collaboration with Tor Vergata University
Technology Transfer
The Technology Transfer (TTO) is responsible for supporting and developing the university’s innovative activity. The TTO operates in the following fields:
– Assistance on protection of intellectual property (IPR) and exploitation of research through patenting procedures and licensing activities;
– Support for the creation of start-up and spin-off companies for student researchers/teachers;
– Promotion of relations between University and Industry by increasing the possibilities for industrial application of innovative scientific research;
– Collaborations with national and international associations that develop TTO activities.
Head Office
Loredana Pastore
+39 06 7259 2670
International Cooperation
The University of Rome Tor Vergata joins International Networks and signs Cooperation Agreements with Universities from Countries across the world, to promote education and scientific cooperation and create mobility and exchange programmes for teachers, researchers and students. Our partners are higher education leaders from all over the world, with whom we share international standards and best practices in order to foster a sustained culture of excellence on our own campus. The University of Rome Tor Vergata counts more than 300 bilateral and cultural/scientific cooperation agreements with partner Universities worldwide to promote joint research programmes and academic exchanges.
Damiano Pinnacchio
+39 06 7259 2556