Miami Scientific Italian Community in collaboration with Politecnico di Torino
For more than 150 years, the Politecnico di Torino has been one of the most prestigious public institutions at both the International and the Italian levels concerning education, research, technological transfer and services in all sectors of architecture and engineering.
The Politecnico di Torino was founded in 1859 as Scuola di Applicazione per gli Ingegneri (Technical School for Engineers), and it became Regio Politecnico di Torino in 1906. A long history, which bore out the University as a reference point for education and research in Italy and in Europe, a Research University of international level which attracts students from more than 100 countries and which activates about 800 collaborations per year with industries, public institutions and local organizations.
The attention to theoretical and applied research, the knowledge and development of cutting edge technologies, the concreteness and realism concerning the management of a manufacturing process or the organization of a service, the care of functionality without ignoring design, the analysis and proposition of solutions to the challenges of the society of today in order to plan a sustainable future: graduates from the Politecnico di Torino receive an education that goes far beyond technical knowledge. They are able to manage the interdisciplinary nature of the scientific world of today without forgetting social, ethical, economic and environmental implications.
Excellent results in education and research fields, positive judgments from students, education processes of quality and the ability in winning national and European grants brought the Politecnico di Torino to an excellent place in the assessment drawn up by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR): since 2010, when the MIUR began to award the public funding of the Fondo di Finanziamento Ordinario according to a table on Universities performances, the Politecnico has always been the first University in Italy. A positioning proved by the good results of the University at the European level.
Technology Transfer System
We are:
- RIMIN Directorate (Research, Business Relations and Innovation), composed of administrative staff providing financial administration and legal support and relations with the companies.
- LabTT (Laboratory for Technology Transfer), an operational liaison with the inventors composed of higly skilled Knowledge and Technology Transfer Managers, providing project management, technical interface with research labs, scouting promotion and valorization of research results.
- LabTT Steering Committee, the governance body that is – at various levels – an expression of all the University, from the Board of Directors to the Departments.
- EIC (Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre), focused on research issues linked to entrepreneurial education and IPR’S technology transfer and innovation management.
The meaning Politecnico di Torino gives to Technology Transfer System is that of an activity that can link Research to Innovation. Through it, Politecnico works to transform the knowledge generated by public research into technology, meant as “skill, ability in doing”, so as to have a real impact on Society and Economy.
We manage:
- Protection, development and marketing of intellectual property produced by research, in order to exploit the knowledge generated, make it widely available to all and mitigate the increasing divides that appear today.
- Funding of PoC (Proof of Concept), in which the University acts as investor in “market failure” conditions with the objective of creating the right ones to transform research results into artefacts that may be subject to further developments, thus mitigating the risk that they will not be used.
- Support in the establishment of spin-offs based on research results, with a particular focus on those originating from the PoC program. At Politecnico, the potential founders of the spin-offs are aided with the creation of conditions that may easily enable their birth and growth, such as the achievement of an adequate level of maturity of the technology, support in the creation of IP, access to necessary professional skills. Starting from these conditions, and also thanks to the contribution of I3P, Politecnico di Torino’s Incubator of Innovative Enterprises, it becomes easier for investors to effectively support the incipient spin-offs.
- Continuous exchange with medium-large enterprises, aimed at the use of research results and collaboration with the spin-offs. Therefore, Politecnico accepts challenges, from these, to solve tangible problems that originate from the true need to innovate in the areas of company activity, whilst offering the spin-offs opportunities to develop.
- Specific training for the growth of an entrepreneurial culture amongst teachers, researchers and students of all levels. Politecnico has indeed activated specific courses and has introduced international programs in which students are allowed to develop their ideas in an interdisciplinary and truly innovative way.
Giuliana Mattiazzo
Vice Rector for Technology Transfer
Laura Fulci
Head of RIMIN Directorate (Research, Business Relations and Innovation)
Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino – Italy
+39 011 090 6317