Miami Scientific Italian Community in collaboration with ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development)
ENEA promotes collaboration with foreign organizations and institutions in order to participate in research programs and activities of the main international bodies acting in science and technology, also providing expertise for the definition of technical standards.
The main initiatives are implemented within the Agency in the framework of:
The EU offers, mainly to Member States, the opportunity to participate in programs mostly co-financing transnational projects with the aim of enhancing the European competitiveness in research and technological development.
Besides contributing to defining work programs through the participation of its own experts in committees and working groups, ENEA establishes and maintains contacts with EU institutions through its ENEA-EU Liaison Office in Brussels.
In addition, the Agency participates in European calls for proposals for the implementation of research projects funded by the EU.
Activities are implemented in the framework of:
- Projects funded by the EU Programmes
- EU RTD FP7 Programme Committees
- European Technology Platforms (ETPs)
- Strategic Initiatives
International scientific and technological cooperation is achieved through bilateral agreements, signed between foreign homologous research institutes, in order to carry out joint research initiatives on topics of mutual interest. In accordance with the institutional framework defined by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ENEA signs bilateral scientific and technological cooperation agreements and the following related Executive Programmes.
A list of the above-mentioned R&D programmes, with the related research areas of bilateral cooperation between Italy and its partner countries.
For each Executive Programme, Projects of major importance are listed, that is those projects that have been allocated annual co-funding for their accomplishment, pursuant to law no. 401/90.
As of today, in the ENEA fields of competence 12 Agreements are in place and the Agency is involved in 4 Projects of major importance, all listed in the following tables.
Multilateral scientific cooperation is carried out through association agreements.
There are many types of agreement, depending on the scientific activity, the mission of the participants involved and the extent of the financial burden to bear for participation.
In the ENEA scientific fields of competence, to date 14 multilateral scientific cooperation agreements are in place, in the form of activities performed by committees and working groups which the experts designated by governments or by the signing organisations participate in.
Within its research areas of expertise, ENEA organizes and/or participates in international scientific conferences and seminars also. For detailed information, please visit the Events web page.
ENEA also participates in international events of general interest in order to present its own research activities and areas of competence.
That was the case of “Italy in Japan 2011”, an event dedicated to the Japanese audience and organized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a showcase of the Italian culture. The Agency participated with a series of multimedia events representing the ENEA contribution to the S&T Session: “virtual” meetings among researchers from Italy and Japan, scientific web-conferences, written, audio and video contributions on several research themes, also in a post-Fukushima perspective: Energy, Seismic Engineering, Radiation Protection, Life Sciences, Cultural Heritage, Nanotechnologies, Radiation Metrology, Research Policy.
In particular, the Agency’s international activities are carried out through:
- participation in projects mainly financed by EU programs, as well as European Technology Platforms (ETPs) and international initiatives;
- support to the activities of its delegates / experts within international R&D committees and groups;
- promotion of the relations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italian scientific attachés abroad, scientific attachés of foreign embassies in Italy, and the Italian Permanent Representation to the EU;
- reception, at its research centres, of official foreign delegations, also aimed at defining specific bilateral and multilateral collaboration agreements and Memoranda of Understanding;
- organization of international events and meetings;
- hospitality at its laboratories of FOREIGN FELLOWS working in the areas of main interest of the Agency.
LINK TO ENEA-EU Liaison Office in Brussels http://www.enea.it/it/Ufficio-Bruxelles/documenti/Bru_eng.pdf
ENEA for enterprises: The Innovation Technology Atlas and support to industry
ENEA technologies, processes and services are available on line at: www.enea.it. So is the Innovation Technology Atlas, a database with over 500 datasheet covering 20 sectors, approximately.
Alternatively, you can apply to eneaperlinnovazione@enea.it, or to the Industry and Business Associations Office at the disposal of enterprises on open innovation in order to make the industrial community, particularly SMEs, easily access and get knowledge of the ENEA research results , partnerships, spin-offs, consulting services. The Office:
- attends to relations with enterprises to make innovation supply and demand meet even through road shows, meetings and networking activities, participation in international and national networks;
- stipulates agreements to share scientific knowledge, set up research laboratories, develop technology innovation projects and joint research projects that might benefit from tax deductions;
- defends the know-how and innovation produced with its activities through the technical and legal institutions of intellectual property protection;
- provides licensing for ENEA patents and looks for potential industrial partners interested in valorizing and carrying out the inventions;
- provides technical support to create high-tech enterprises, such as spinoffs.
Info and contacts:
ENEA has a portfolio of 212 alive patents, of which 154 for industrial invention, 5 for plant breeding, 22 for utility models, 20 for trademarks, 10 for copyright and software, and 1 design model. They are available online and can be sorted by registration year, inventor, technology area, title, intellectual property type, patent owner, number of patent application. Since the Sixties, 856 patents have been registered, over 200 of which have been extended at international level.
Info and contacts: