Shiva Loccisano is the new CEO of AlmaCube

AlmaCube is the incubator and innovation hub of the University of Bologna and Confindustria Emilia Area Centro.

After graduating in Industrial Biotechnology, Shiva Loccisano has obtained a PhD in Business and Management, a Master’s degree in Project Management for Business Performance and Innovation and now he is an IPMA certified Project Manager.

With more than 15 years of experience in Technology Transfer and Innovation, Shiva Loccisano has been for more than 10 years Head of the Technology Transfer and Business Relations Area of the Politecnico di Torino, and is currently sole director of BeHold srl, a company controlled by the University of Bologna and in charge of enhancing the value of the university’s holdings in its spin-offs.

He is a distinguished member of the International Advisory Board of  Miami Scientific Italian Community.

He is a member of the Board of Directors of Netval, and of the Council of ATTP (Alliance of Technology Transfer Professionals).

He is associated with ASTP and LES, and Vice-chair of the International Committee for University-Industry-Government Transactions within the same association.

Shiva Loccisano is the author of scientific publications in the field, and has been a speaker at numerous national and international conferences and lecturer in university and masters’ degrees courses on topics related to innovation and technology transfer.




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