Miami, June 23, 2017 – Press Release
Businessman Fabio De Furia is the new president of the Miami Scientific Italian Community (MSIC), unanimously elected today by the Shareholders’ Assembly.
The Board of Directors will be composed of Dr. Alessia Fornoni, Professor of Medicine, Chief of the Katz Family Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, and Director of the Peggy and Harold Katz Family Drug Discovery Center at the University of Miami; Dr. Domenico Calcaterra, Associate Professor of Surgery, Minneapolis Heart Institute at Abbott Northwestern Hospital at the University of Minnesota Medical School; Dr. Massimiliano Galeazzi, Professor and Associate Chair of the Department of Physics of the University of Miami: Dr. Luciano Berti, President and CEO of BM Sanitas; and Dr. Andrea Macario, Co-founder, CMO & CPO, Kweak•ly.
Miami Scientific Italian Community (MSIC) is a no-profit organization of researchers, private and public institutions, bridging university and industry by promoting the transfer of innovative technologies and supporting the competitiveness of the industrial system of the State Florida, US, and internationally. MSIC has been recognized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation [MAECI] and by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research [MIUR] among the organizations of Italian researchers abroad and supported by the Consulate General of Italy in Miami, MSIC promotes coordinated action by the ingenious Italian scientific community present in Miami and Florida to stimulate new synergies with Italy and the European Union. In this regard, Consul General Gloria Marina Bellelli declared with satisfaction “The institutional promotion activity of the ‘Italian System’ is even more essential in the context of Florida and Miami in particular where the Italian presence continues to grow and affirm in the competitive scientific, commercial, cultural and economic relations with the United States and the major Latin American communities living in the area.”
“The existence in Florida of outstanding academic centers, a growing number of companies focused on technological innovation, and where the Italian scientific community has distinguished itself” – De Furia stated – “is a resource to be valued for its important economic impact locally and in the global dimension. This is why I express my gratitude to past president Dr. Antonello Pileggi for the work done during his tenure which demonstrated that aggregative association is a noble and elevated mission, having maintained the promise he made at the inception to remain ‘one of us’.” “During my term” – concluded De Furia – “I intend to consolidate the position of MSIC as an important catalyst for technological innovation between academia and industry and promoting strategic partnerships that could have a lasting impact on American and Italian productive activities. ”
Fabio De Furia is President and Managing Director of FINDEM Srl, Holding of the De Furia Group (Automotive, Construction, Finance and Communication); President of DM Consulting, Integrated Communications Company; President of “Abroad to” the First Community of Italian Companies Abroad; Director and Board Member of Cogede Srl – Construction Company; Director of SIT Financial Development Technological Innovation; board member of the Information and Audiovisual Publishing Department of Unindustria Lazio; and member of the Retimpresa Technical Committee of Confindustria, the Italian industrial federation, for which, over the years, he held numerous positions.
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