RetImpresa Registry: the Italian Platform for Open Innovation and Start-Ups in the USA
RetImpresa and Miami Scientific Italian Community together to promote the Registry International platform in the United States. RetImpresa, the agency of Confindustria (The General Confederation of Italian Industries) for the representation and promotion of Business Networks and aggregations, strengthens its collaboration with Miami Scientific Italian Community (MSIC) by focusing...
In Messico la XVI Conferenza dei Ricercatori Italiani nel Mondo
De Furia (MSIC) lancia gli Stati Generali delle Associazioni dei Ricercatori Italiani all’estero La Conferenza mira a promuovere la connessione tra le componenti dell’innovazione italiana in diversi campi come l’istruzione, la ricerca e l’industria, con l’obiettivo di promuovere i punti di forza e il know-how dell’Italia nella ricerca e...
MIAMI BOAT SHOW: design, innovation, and technology Made in Italy for a worldwide leadership
De Furia (MSIC): Small and Micro Italian enterprises will be the protagonists of the nautical sector “Design, Innovation, and Technology, together with the ability of SMEs to aggregate, are the main assets that Made in Italy must focus on in order to strengthen its position and continue to win the...
TECH SHARE DAY 2021: In USA with the Miami Scientific Italian Community for the third edition of the event dedicated to Artificial Intelligence and Internet Of Things
From November 24th to 26th, 2021, companies and investors, through 7 online webinars, will be able to connect to the new edition of Tech Share Day, to create synergies between academia and industry, enhancing the best patents from public research. The Tech Share Day IoT&IA, presents itself with a consolidated...
PMI DAY 2021: The Twelfth National Day of Small and Medium-Sized Italian Companies in the USA
Piccola Industria, the Organization of Confindustria (the General Confederation of Italian Industry) aimed to promote the development and growth of SMEs, organizes the National Day of Small and Medium Enterprises – PMI DAY every year since 2010. This is an open day for Confindustria SMEs, focused on students...
III International Symposium on the Future of Regenerative Medicine
Miami Scientific Italian Community partner for third year Despite the awful impact of the COVID pandemic, degenerative diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, etc.) remain the leading cause of death and disability worldwide with a tremendous social and economic burden. Degenerative diseases are characterized by cell death and/or functional impairment...
Tech Share Day 2021: le tecnologie ambientali italiane in vetrina per le imprese
La Miami Scientific Italian Community partner per il secondo anno Transizione digitale e transizione ecologica sono al centro delle politiche nazionali ed europee e l’investimento in tecnologia e innovazione è oggi, in modo consolidato, contributo strategico alla crescita industriale, economica e sociale del nostro Paese. E’ in questo percorso,...
Pmi Day 2020 in Usa: we support the school-business bridge
Robiglio and Manzella in the USA for the SME’s National Day eleventh edition opening, organized by Piccola Industria Confindustria Since this year all the initiatives took place online, a different but equally engaging edition has been made in compliance with the Covid-19 emergency rules. Despite the situation, many associations and...
Tech Share Day 2020: abroad “System” to relaunch the competitiveness of the Italian System
DE FURIA (President of Miami Scientific Italian Community): “It is necessary to stimulate production system aggregation of Companies, Research Centers, and Universities”. Miami October 15, 2020 Tech Share Day 2020 (TSD) is the exclusively digital event dedicated to the BioMed and BioTech Sector scheduled from the 11th to the 13th...
“RDS Group”offers more opportunities for Made in Italy in U.S.
The beat of the city. Bring your preferred radio station with you by Radio Dimensione Suono Group a leading media and entertainment company and one of the largest radio broadcasters in Italy. In the logo and in the words, there is the spirit of the App dedicated by RDS to the city...