Press Releases

Italian Research Day 2025

The Italian Research Day 2025 invites us to reflect on the contribution of the women and men of science from our country to scientific and technological development, as well as the global progress of knowledge and innovation.
Established by the Ministry of Education, Universities, and Research, in collaboration with the Ministry...

Stati Generali: l’Italia chiama

  Miami Scientific Italian Community will host the Stati Generali 2024 On September 28, 2024, the Stati Generali of the Associations of Italian Researchers Abroad will be held in Miami, Florida-USA, an exciting moment in the associative life of all the Associations of Italian Researchers Abroad who will work, united,...

INNOVATION: the Italian Table for the Future of Food conference in Miami

  De Furia: fundamental scientific collaboration for the future of “Made in Italy” food in the Global Market. The evolution and innovation in the food world, the role and future of cuisine considering trends, production, sustainability, the impact of technology on food, and the coexistence of tradition and technological innovation....

“ECCELLENZA ITALIANA” AWARD conferred to Fabio De Furia in Washington, D.C.

The Award celebrates Made in Italy merit and talent around the world and recognizes the ability to promote Technological Innovation and International Cooperation in the U.S.   The International “Eccellenza italiana” Award was conferred today to Fabio De Furia, President of the Miami Scientific Italian Community for his ability to promote Technological Innovation...

Innovation: technological excellence “Made in Puglia” lands in the United States

Agreement signed among Piccola Industria di Confindustria Puglia, Politecnico di Bari and Miami Scientific Italian Community to promote Puglia’s innovation ecosystem in the U.S.   The agreement has been signed among Piccola Industria di Confindustria Puglia, Politecnico di Bari, and Miami Scientific Italian Community to promote in the U.S. the...

Innovation and Research Made In Italy get stronger in the USA market

Piccola Industria of Confindustria Liguria, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) and Miami Scientific Italian Community sign an agreement to support Italian technologies in the US market and offer a joint platform for American companies. Piccola Industria of Confindustria Liguria, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) and Miami Scientific Italian Community signed...