From 14 to 18 October 2024, Milan will host the 75th edition of the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) where a wide range of innovative contents concerning all topics related to Space, including sustainability, will be discussed. The event, whose theme for the Italian...
Abstract submissions for the 2024 Annual Conference of the Italian Synchrotron Light Society are open
The Cnr sponsors the conference of the Italian Synchrotron Light Society (Sils) 2024, which will be held in Rende (CS), from 5 to 7 September, on the campus of the University of Calabria. The event is jointly organized by Sils and the University of Calabria to discuss the most recent...
A message from Melissa Medina CEO of eMerge Americas to our President Fabio De Furia
Dear Fabio, Ten years ago, eMerge Americas was founded with a mission to help foster a thriving tech and entrepreneurial hub in Miami. What occurred over the next decade goes far beyond our wildest dreams for the Magic City. Miami is now the #2 city in the nation for tech...
From all over the world to the IIT to study RNA
In Genoa to learn the secrets of the iCLIP technique Twenty young researchers from seventeen countries around the world, ranging from the distant New Zealand and India to the closer France and Germany, spent a week, from April 8th to 12th, in the laboratories of IIT in Genoa to...
Nutrition: Value added bakery products from coffee waste
Using coffee roasting industry waste as an high added value food ingredient in baked products would lower the environmental impact of processing by 73% and cut the disposal costs incurred by companies in half, as shown by an ENEA study on the economic and environmental sustainability of the disposal of...
Metal-Halide Perovskite submicrometer-thick films for ultra-stable self-powered direct X-ray detectors
Metal halide perovskites (MHP) have revolutionised the world of solar energy conversion, thanks to the development of high-efficiency and low-cost photovoltaic cells. But their potential goes far beyond that. The outstanding electric and optoelectronic properties of MHPs allowed indeed for the development of ultra-sensitive, portable and low-power X-ray detectors, based...
Avviso per la posizione di Addetto Scientifico presso l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington
Avviso di incarico Procedura selettiva a carattere non concorsuale volta alla raccolta e alla valutazione di manifestazioni di disponibilità, provenienti da personale dipendente di una Pubbliche Amministrazioni, a ricoprire l’incarico di esperto con funzioni di Addetto Scientifico presso l’Ambasciata d’Italia in Washington, ai sensi dell’art. 168 D.P.R. 18/1967. Scadenza: 08-07-2024...
Ri.MED Symposium 2024 “Nutrition, Microbiome & Metabolism”
The annual Ri.MED Scientific Symposium NUTRITION, MICROBIOME AND METABOLISM – A science based multidisciplinary Symposium to explore cutting-edge research and nutritional health – will be held on October 17th and 18th, 2024 in Palermo, Italy. This meeting will bring together a panel of internationally recognized researchers for a two-day meeting...
Pamela Fuertes Berti receives the “Star of Merit” of the Italian Republic
Yesterday at the prestigious Biltimore Hotel in Miami, in the occasion of the Festa della Repubblica Italiana, a ceremony was held to present the Stella al Merito del Lavoro award to Pamela Fuertes Berti, Dean of Miguel B. Fernandez Family School of Global Business, Trade & Transportation of Miami Dade...
1000Miglia con i ricercatori italiani in Usa per sottolineare l’impegno della comunità scientifica italiana nel proporre soluzioni tecnologiche applicate al mondo dell’automotive
Tradizione, innovazione, creatività, eleganza e stile di vita italiano, questa è 1000 Miglia, la gara di auto più bella del mondo che sbarca negli Usa attraendo il meglio dei ricercatori italiani che utilizzeranno questo brand proprio per presentare l’innovazione italiana nel campo dell’automotive e non solo, basata su una tradizione...