Innovative supercomputers solutions to advance renewables and fusion

Boosting performance of photovoltaic, hydroelectric, wind and in the future nuclear fusion energy sources with new generation supercomputers capable of solving one trillion operations per second (‘exascale’) is the objective of the three-year project EoCoE-III, funded by the European Joint Undertaking for High Performance Computing (EuroHPC JU) which aims to...

From ENEA a novel technique to restore damaged monuments

Restoring damaged peperino marble monuments with novel methods employing nanomaterials, advanced diagnostics and sensors, 3D models and drones to cut intervention times and costs was the focus of the project COLLINE, coordinated by ENEA, funded by the Lazio Region and presented during the workshop “New Technologies for Cultural Heritage”, which...

Call for DIRECTOR of AI4I

AI4I is searching for an outstanding and visionary leader and manager, who will serve as its Founding Director. Applications will be received until September 30, 2024, 11.59 pm, CET. AI4I, the newly established Italian Institute dedicated to advancing the AI national strategy in Artificial Intelligence and performing AI-focused application-oriented research, invites...

A miniaturized, implantable multi-sensors device to monitor vessels health

The EU-funded project IV-Lab, coordinated by the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, has received more than 4 million euros from the European Innovation Council (EIC). The device will empower physicians to deliver timely and personalized treatment   The EU-funded project IV-Lab, coordinated by the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT-Italian Institute of...

Sapienza-Rome Technopole per l’internazionalizzazione della ricerca

Il bando “Sapienza-Rome Technopole” ha per oggetto il finanziamento di attività a favore dell’internazionalizzazione della ricerca attraverso la creazione di network internazionali e la realizzazione di Proof of Concept (prototipi di dispositivi e/o di tecnologie, ecc.) da sviluppare all’interno di Joint Lab di Rome Technopole coordinati da gruppi di ricerca...

ERC Work Program 2025 webinar

Join the European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA) virtually as officials speak from Brussels to an international audience and present on next year’s work program. Over €2.7 billion (approximately USD $3.0 billion / CAD $4.1b) will be available in ERC research grants for 2025. The event will be live-streamed on...

Flour and oats for the biohybrid robot useful for reforestation

HybriBot is the result of the collaboration between the IIT in Italy and the University of Freiburg in Germany. It weighs 60 mg and it has been tested with tomato, chicory and willow herb seeds, in various soils, such as sand and spotting soil   Researchers at Istituto Italiano di...

PMI DAY 2024: the fifteenth day of Italian SMEs in the U.S.

Piccola Industria, the Organization of Confindustria (the General Confederation of Italian Industry) aimed to promote the development and growth of SMEs, organizes the National Day of Small and Medium Enterprises – PMI DAY every year since 2010. This is an open day for Confindustria SMEs, focused on students and teachers....

Edoardo Bemporad is the new Director of Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials of the CNR

Edoardo Bemporad, Full Professor of Materials Science and Technology at the University of Rome 3, and a distinguished member of the International Advisory Board of the Miami Scientific Italian Community, has been appointed as the new Director of Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials (IPCB) – National Research Council of Italy...

