The invention relates to the Common Rail (CR) injection system for Diesel engines and proposes a device for measuring the instantaneous mass flow-rate in a high pressure liquid flow. A mass based feedback control logic is also proposed to guarantee the control on the quantity of fuel that is actually...
Barry University Professor awarded Fulbright scholarship to study Axion Particles
Barry University Professor of Physics Maurizio Giannotti, Ph.D., has been awarded a 2021-22 Fulbright scholarship to conduct research at the University of Zaragoza in Spain. His research aims to improve our understanding of the physics of light and weakly interacting particles (WISPs), particularly axions, and their role in cosmology and...
Augusto Cavallini is the new President of the COMITES of Miami
This unanimous decision was made by the Steering Committee Augusto Cavallini, a South Florida resident and manager of the HarperLove Adhesives has been appointed by unanimous vote of the Steering Committee as the new president of the COMITES (Comitato degli Italiani all’Estero) of Miami. Dr. Cavallini is an Industrial Engineer with a...
Tech Share Day 2021: le tecnologie ambientali italiane in vetrina per le imprese
La Miami Scientific Italian Community partner per il secondo anno Transizione digitale e transizione ecologica sono al centro delle politiche nazionali ed europee e l’investimento in tecnologia e innovazione è oggi, in modo consolidato, contributo strategico alla crescita industriale, economica e sociale del nostro Paese. E’ in questo percorso,...
UF Researchers Marco Salemi and Alberto Riva utilize Genomics Expertise to Understand COVID19 Epidemiology
ICBR in collaboration with virologist Dr. Marco Salemi, Professor in the UF Department of Pathology, has begun to use high throughput DNA sequencing technology to help identify COVID19 variant spread within the state of Florida. The virus contains a single molecule of RNA that contains the genetic information to produce...
Interaction Design & Architecture(s) Journal has entered in the third age of the scientific communication
We are proud to announce that Interaction Design & Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A) has entered in its third age. After the paper age and the electronic version age, the journal made a transition to an “e-paper + video” age on occasion of the special issue N.47 (dedicated to “Tools, Pedagogical and...
6th International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystem and Regional Development
Bucharest 2021, 24-25 June After a first tour of Europe Timisoara (East), Aveiro (West) and Aalborg (North), Rome (South) and a virtual edition – SLERD 2020 – we hope to start a new journey so that the sixth edition of the SLERD conference will be held in Bucharest, in blended...
Smart Cities and New Green Solutions online event
An Embassy of Italy Event, in association with the National Academy of Sciences and the Nobel Prize Summit Wednesday, April 28, 2021 12:00pm EST / 18:00 CET Inspired by the motto of the G20 Italian Presidency in 2021, ‘People, Planet, Prosperity’ and on the triple special occasion of the 160th...
COVID-19, riscontrata un’associazione tra la proteina HERV-W ENV e l’evoluzione della malattia
Lo studio dell’Università “Tor Vergata” e del Policlinico Tor Vergata su EBioMedicine – The Lancet I ricercatori dell’Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” hanno dimostrato per la prima volta la presenza di un’elevata quantità della proteina HERV-W ENV nelle cellule del sangue dei pazienti COVID-19, in particolare nei linfociti T,cellule che...
Enlightenment Through Entertainment: How I Teach My Online Classes
It’s funny to think that little more than a year ago, none of us knew the phrase “social distancing”, and yet now, it’s become a part of everyday life! In order to keep ourselves safe, we’ve had to adapt to a whole new way of life. It’s been tricky enough...