Transport: A new alliance in Italy to improve road and rail safety

Italy is to become the first European country with an integrated system to monitor critical infrastructures thanks to an agreement among ENEA, the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) and the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility (MIMS), as envisaged in the memorandum of understanding signed by the general...

2022 State of the Union Address by President von der Leyen

INTRODUCTION Madam President, Honourable Members, My fellow Europeans, Never before has this Parliament debated the State of our Union with war raging on European soil. We all remember that fateful morning in late February. Europeans from across our Union woke up dismayed by what they saw. Shaken by the resurgent...

BioFlorida Annual Conference

ATTEND: Florida’s Leading Life Sciences Conference DATE: Wednesday Nov 2 – Friday Nov 4, 2022 LOCATION: Hyatt Regency Miami   The BioFlorida Annual Conference will take place at the Hyatt Regency Miami, Wednesday through Friday, November 2-4, 2022. This year’s Conference will bring together the life sciences community in the...

European Scientific Diaspora Networking Meeting

Don’t miss the Third European Scientific Diaspora Networking Meeting on September 20th, 2022, to meet with other European researchers based in the U.S. and Canada! This is an excellent opportunity to: *Get familiar with the scientific diaspora networks in North America—both their leaders and members *Connect with diverse national groups,...

Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti, bando pubblico per start-up

Il bando intende promuovere le applicazioni di tecnologie emergenti e delle reti 5G, adottabili nel contesto romano. Nel dettaglio, con questo avviso pubblico si intende creare un modello unico per la nascita, lo sviluppo e l’innovazione di nuove imprese nel territorio, puntando su due settori strategici per Roma Capitale: mobilità...

Italian Tech Week 2022

September 29th 30th Torino We gather the brightest minds on the international tech scene to talk about innovation and new trends. We connect and inspire the Italian community of startuppers and investors, institutions, media, innovation companies and all the protagonists of change.   The speakers of Italian Tech Week 2022...

