#Farnesina just a click away

The Secretary General of the Farnesina, Ettore Francesco Sequi, presents the upgraded websites of the diplomatic and consular network in the word     Today, the Secretary General of the Farnesina, Ettore Francesco Sequi, presented the new websites of the diplomatic and consular network in the world, after an upgrade...

A Conversation with Dr. Maria Elena Bottazzi – Nobel Peace Prize Nominee

A Scientist without Borders and Her Struggle to advance Vaccines for the Neglected   In 2022, Italy-born and Texas-based biologist Maria Elena Bottazzi has been nominated by Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher to the Nobel Peace Prize for her work to develop (with Dr. Peter Hotez) and distribute a low-cost COVID-19 vaccine...

The Italian Research Cities Business Model spreads in different States in the U.S.

De Furia: after the Miami Scientific Italian Community and the Texas Scientific Italian Community, it’s time for the California Scientific Italian Community. Italian researchers, Italian Universities and Researcher Centers, Italian private and public organizations, will have the institutional aim of making a link between Italian University and Industrial world to...

ERC Consolidator Grant 2023 call now open

Are you a scientist who wants to consolidate your independence by establishing a research team and continuing to develop a success career in Europe? The ERC Consolidator Grant could be for you. You can also apply if you have recently created an independent, excellent research team and want to strengthen...

MSCA Staff Exchanges: insights and information

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) contribute to excellent research, boosting jobs, growth, and investment by equipping researchers with the new knowledge, skills, and international and intersectoral exposure to fill the top positions of tomorrow and solve current and future societal challenges. Learn about the MSCA Staff Exchanges (MSCA-SE), which promote innovative international, inter-sectoral, and interdisciplinary...

ERC Grants for Top Researchers from anywhere in the World

Join us for a webinar on bottom-up funding from the European Research Council, the premier European funding organization for excellent frontier research. The ERC supports investigator-driven frontier research across all fields. It awards research grants to scientists and scholars from all over the world, both early-career and senior researchers, carrying out their ambitious...

Italy – Usa science and technology cooperation – call for joint research

Proposals must be submitted within one of the following priority research areas: · Climate Change and resilience to Natural Disasters · Health and Life Sciences · Innovative technologies for sustainable agriculture · IT and Industry (limited to Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Materials, Autonomous Vehicles/Systems) · Energy transition · Physics and astrophysics...

First Responder UAS Indoor Challenge (UAS 4.0)

Use your UAS expertise to support first responders’ indoor operations. UAS 4.0 will support the public safety community and its stakeholders to improve situational awareness and to save lives while operating in potentially dangerous indoor environments. Submission period: Phase 2 open until 10/08/22 02:59 AM CEST Challenge type: Technology demonstration and...

