Energy: Renewables, a super laboratory on advanced materials

ENEA will create an advanced virtual laboratory to exploit the full potential of supercomputing and artificial intelligence for advanced materials research applied to renewable energy plants, as part of the European project IEMAP, funded with 4.5 million euro by the MASE as part of the international cooperation initiative Mission Innovation....

Antarctica: First technical flight lands on new Italian runway

First test landing on the new Antarctic airstrip designed and built by ENEA and the Italian Air Force, in collaboration with the Fire Brigade, thanks to dedicated funding from the Ministry of University and Research. A C-130J of the 46th Air Brigade of the Italian Air Force successfully landed on...

A virtual bridge between Apulian companies and the rest of the world

It’s the birth of “Business Place Puglia,” the new “piazza” of Apulian companies in partnership with Miami Scientific Italian Community for the United States Business Place Puglia, a virtual place to exchange products and services, but also knowledge and skills, resources and uniqueness, oriented to launch business ideas, interchange supply...

Fondazione Rome Technopole Avviso pubblico per incarico di Direttore Generale e Direttore Scientifico

Avviso Pubblico per l’acquisizione di manifestazioni di interesse a ricoprire l’incarico di Direttore Generale della Fondazione Rome Technopole Scadenza: 7 dicembre 2022 ore 12:00 Per scaricare l’avviso clicca qui Avviso Pubblico per l’acquisizione di manifestazioni di interesse a ricoprire l’incarico di Direttore Scientifico della Fondazione Rome Technopole Scadenza: 17 dicembre 2022 ore 12:00 Per scaricare l’avviso clicca qui

COSME- Europe’s programme for small and medium-sized enterprises

Access to markets COSME, the programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), funds many initiatives that help small businesses access new markets. Programming, monitoring and evaluation The Commission has a legal obligation to monitor the implementation of the COSME programme, to report annually and to...

Italy, beautiful and resourceful. Start the PMI DAY in U.S.

Good morning, Welcome to USA edition of the Thirteenth PMI DAY – the National Small and Medium Enterprises Day organized by Piccola Industria of Confindustria (the General Confederation of Italian Industry). Today the Small and Medium-sized Italian Companies operating in the USA will be protagonist of the PMI DAY. The...

Smart Cities Connect events

After a couple challenging years, Smart Cities Connect events remain the leading smart city IoT trade shows for the state and local (S&L) government leaders in North America. TechConnect organizes SCC programs with a “cities first” agenda including cities leaders in all aspects of the event programming. Check out the...

ESA BIC Lazio Open Call

Sei un imprenditore che intende avviare un’impresa nei settori della Space Economy? Hai un team e vuoi avviare una startup innovativa? Vuoi utilizzare conoscenze o tecnologie inizialmente sviluppate per lo Spazio? O applicare allo Spazio un prodotto o know-how sviluppato all’interno di applicazioni terrestri? ESA BIC Lazio fa parte del...

Come Celebrate Italian Space in D.C. 

Italian National Space Day Celebration – Thursday December 15th, 2022 3000 Whitehaven St NW, Washington, DC 20008   The Embassy of Italy in Washington, D.C. in collaboration with the Italian Trade Agency and the Italian Space Agency, cordially welcomes space industry players and shareholders to attend a full day of celebrating...

Shiva Loccisano will attend the Biennale Tecnologia event

“A chi e a cosa serve la ricerca universitaria?” “For whom and for what is university research for?”  November 11, 2022 – 10:30 AM CET Incubatore I3P, corso Castelfidardo 30/a Turin Language talk: Italian   We proudly announce that Shiva Loccisano a distinguished member of the International Advisory Board of Miami...

