Biological Animal Robots: BABots

The Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (Istc) of the National Research Council of Italy is amongst the research partners of the “Babots” project. Coordinated by the University of Namur, the project promotes an innovative, disruptive technology bases on Biological Animal roBots. BABots are small animals, such as worms or insects,...

Extra virgin olive oil, ENEA studies olives’ traceability

ENEA researchers have developed a method to identify pure extra virgin olive oil through the traceability of the geographical origin of the olives based on the content of elements. The outcomes of the study were published in the open source journal ‘foods’. The study was conducted on thirty-seven samples of...

Accellerate, new cohort starting March 2023

Elevate Your Company’s Growth – Increase funding, customers, and revenue at Alan B. Levan | NSU Broward Center of Innovation. A twelve-week program to increase your company’s funding, customers, and revenue streams. During the program, you will build upon your brand recognition and engage with a network of experts and...

Italian National Space Day, Massimiliano Galeazzi at the G.W. Carver School

On December 16th , we celebrate the first Italian National Space Day to champion the importance and value of the “space economy” for the recovery and growth of the Italian economy. “This is a celebration of Italian imagination and ingenuity. From Galileo using a telescope to look at the sky...

“EconoMia” dialoghi sull’impresa”

Lunedì 19 dicembre alle ore 22,30 CET su Rete8 nuova puntata di “EconoMia, dialoghi sull’impresa” dedicata al tema La bellezza del saper fare italiano e le PMI   Conoscere l’impresa significa anche conoscere il valore del lavoro delle persone che ne fanno parte, il suo legame con il territorio e...

The 2023-2024 work programme of Horizon Europe is out!

The Commission has adopted today the main Horizon Europe work programme 2023-24, with around €13.5 billion to support researchers and innovators in Europe to pursue breakthrough solutions for environmental, energy, digital and geopolitical challenges. As part of the broader EU €95.5 billion research and innovation programme, Horizon Europe, this funding...

A new solid phase of ammonia

Ammonia is one of the most abundant substances in our solar system. In many state-of-the-art laboratories it is possible to produce very intense electric fields that allow to investigate various phenomena by means of diverse chemical-physical techniques. However, the effects produced by electric fields on liquid ammonia have never been studied...

