Aperte le iscrizioni a FameLab Italia

Cos’è FameLab? E’ una competizione internazionale per giovani ricercatrici e ricercatori scientifici con il talento della comunicazione. La competizione FameLab Italia nel 2023 prevede lo svolgimento di pre-selezioni e selezioni locali in 12 città italiane; dalle selezioni usciranno i 24 finalisti che parteciperanno alla FameLab Masterclass, un workshop di formazione...

A note from Felice Gorordo CEO of eMerge Americas on the Miami Tech Ecosystem

We are excited to present our latest Insights report reflecting the thriving South Florida tech ecosystem. Through research and data analysis, the eMerge Americas team, with the help of our eMerge Insights editor Nancy Dahlberg, are dedicated to providing you with an in-depth analysis of the state of the ecosystem....

Innovation in Smart optical and opto-electronic systems with photopolymers: the European Project “Pulse-Com”

Use a new generation photomobile polymer film that allows devices to move when stimulated by a light source to create smart optical and opto-electronic systems.This is the goal of the European project “Pulse-Com” (Photo-Piezo-ActUators based on Light SEnsitive COMposite) coordinated by the Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems “E....

Fusion, FNG, the most intense 14 MeV neutron source in Europe, turns 30

FNG, the Frascati Neutron Generator, turns 30, one of the few 14 MeV neutron generators in the world available for fusion research and other application sectors, including aerospace, automotive, physics and the development of new particle detectors. Entirely designed and built by ENEA at its Research Center in Frascati, FNG...

A space robotic assistant from ENEA and University of Rome “Tor Vergata”

A robotic assistant to work alongside humans and in some cases replace crew members of orbital space missions in the maintenance and monitoring of external structures, to relieve stress and reduce risks, was developed by ENEA and Rome University “Tor Vergata” as part of the two-year project TORVEastro, funded by...

Therapeutic properties of pomegranate waste

Molecules extraction from pomegranate by-products and residues to produce beneficial supplements and nutraceuticals is the objective of NewTriPome, a novel ENEA research project which brings together the expertise and technological platforms of four laboratories of the Casaccia Research Center (Rome) engaged on health and biotechnology issues  in the agri-food sector. “Pomegranate...

Open Call: XVII Conference of Italian Researchers in the World

The Texas Scientific Italian Community (TSIC), Sbarro Health Research Organization (SHRO), in collaboration with Temple University, College of Science and Technology, invite you to submit an abstract to the XVII Conference of Italian Researchers in the World that will be held on:   Saturday, April 1st, 2023 starting at 9:30am –...

Teodoro Valente is the new Director of Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials

Teodoro Valente former Deputy Rector of the Sapienza University in Rome and a distinguished member of the International Advisory Board of the Miami Scientific Italian Community, has been appointed as the new Director of Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials (IPCB) – National Research Council of Italy (CNR) The Institute of Polymers, Composites and...

