Preventing terrorist threats and chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNe) attacks with innovative technologies, state-of-the-art solutions and integrated platforms is the objective of the MoSaiC project, funded with over 4.4 million euro by the European Defense Fund , for a total...
CONVINCE project kicked off to improve autonomy of robots
CONVINCE, a European project coordinated by the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), has been awarded over €4 million in EU funding under the Horizon Europe Programme. The principal aim of the project is to develop and verify cognitive deliberation capabilities in autonomous robots. The project will last for three...
The first biodegradable seed robot, able to change shape in response to humidity
The seeds of the South African geranium inspired the realization of the prototype. Developed at IIT by Barbara Mazzolai’s group, it is part of the European project “I-Seed”. A robot with the shape of a seed and with the ability to explore the soil based on humidity changes. It...
A Yearbook of Italian Researchers Abroad
Enhancing the contribution of Italian researchers to international science and promoting the dissemination of the results of their research is the goal of the “Giornata della Ricerca Italiana nel Mondo,” established by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, in agreement with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and...
Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli guest of the Information Technologies SERIES
Our SERIES of meetings continues with Italian personalities of the Research and Innovation World. The Information Technologies SERIES has become a real format, a kind of media in its own right, not television or traditional, it is a talk show formula around which a real community has been created. A...
Fiuggi reopens its thermal baths and begins major transformation
The season at Terme di Fiuggi starts! The new industrial group that sees together Confindustria’s vice president Maurizio Stirpe, the president of Unindustria Cassino Francesco Borgomeo, the owner of Matera’s Grand Hotel Gattini Nicola Benedetto, and the former Ferrovie dello Stato chief executive Gianfranco Battisti, has bought Terme di Fiuggi...
ENEA developed innovative laser system for detection of water contaminants
ENEA has developed an innovative technique based on laser Raman spectroscopy for real-time detection of water contaminants, also at low concentrations. The tool, a portable laser device, was previously successfully used to detect air pollutants, which can also provide information on the chemical structure of water pollutants, thanks to the...
XVII Conference of Italian Researchers in the World, April 1st – Program and Event Details
The Texas Scientific Italian Community and Sbarro Health Research Organization, in collaboration with Temple University, College of Science and Technology, will host the XVII Conference of Italian Researchers in the World that will be held on: Saturday, April 1st, 2023 starting at 9:30am – 3:00pm (EST) at The Charles Library, 1st floor...
La Miami Scientific Italian Community festeggia i suoi 10 anni. Parla il Presidente De Furia
“Allarghiamo la conoscenza e i rapporti tra la realtà italiana e quella statunitense e moltiplichiamo le opportunità” – “Ricerca e innovazione non si improvvisano, serve una strategia di sviluppo a medio-lungo termine”. “La Miami Scientific Italian Community nasce come un centro di Innovazione ricerca e trasferimento tecnologico (sullo stesso...
Trans-omic Analysis of Epicardial Adipose Tissue in Atrial Fibrillation study
Dr. Iacobellis and Dr. Goldberger are enrolling 120 people with atrial fibrillation and another 120 people without the disorder to study the role of epicardial adipose tissue in the development of atrial fibrillation. This grant was funded by the National Institutes of Health for value of $3 million. Gianluca...