MSIC and CSIC President’s message for Merry Christmas and New Year

Dear Colleagues, dear Friends, As the festive season draws near, I would like to send to all of you and your families my most affectionate and sincere good wishes for a Merry Christmas and New Year. May bring much-needed serenity and peace to our hearts despite the terrible events which...

Marco Baldocchi will be a speaker at the Taste Italian! Conference – Miami

Founder and CEO of Marco Baldocchi Group Inc. of Miami and distinguished member of the Miami Scientific Italian Community will attend the Taste Italian! Conference: the Italian Table for the Future of Food. Marco Baldocchi is Director of Neuromarketing Research for the Italian National Association of Applied Neurosciences. Founding member...

Erminia Fardone will be a speaker at the Taste Italian! Conference – Miami

Ermia Fardone, Assistant Scientist, Division of Health Services Research and Policy, Department of Public Health Sciences at University of Miami – Miller School of Medicine and distinguished member of the Miami Scientific Italian Community will attend the Taste Italian! Conference: the Italian Table for the Future of Food. Erminia Fardone...

Miami Dade College to host first TasteItalian! Academy – The Italian Table for the Future of Food Conference

    Miami Dade College’s (MDC) School of Global Business, Trade and Transportation, MDC’s Miami Culinary Institute and Making Business Happen are collaborating to present the first-ever TasteItalian! Academy – The Italian Table for the Future of Food Conference on Thursday, Jan. 25, at the College’s Wolfson Campus in downtown...

Scholarships in memory of Rita Levi Montalcini

MA/PhD students or research fellows in the USA   Degree level: Master’s/PhD/Postdoc degree Number of scholarships: 16 Academic year: 2023/2024 Application deadline: 31 December 2023 Additional information: Value: US dollars 25.000,00 per year per student, for 3 years maximum APPLY NOW View call for applications

Italian Space Day

Established by directive of the Italian Prime Minister to celebrate the launch of the first Italian satellite, San Marco 1, which took place on December 15th, 1964, which allowed Italy to be among the first countries in the world to overcome the Earth’s atmosphere. Since then Italy boasts many records...

Awards in the field of scientific research and technological innovation

MAECI promotes three awards dedicated to figures who have distinguished themselves in the field of scientific research and/or technological innovation: Italian bilateral scientific cooperation award, reserved for Italian researchers up to 35 years of age, residing abroad (in our case in the US) since at least 01/01/2019; Innovation that Speaks...

