Texas Scientific Italian Community (TSIC) and University Canada West (UCW), in cooperation with the Consulate General of Italy in Vancouver, invite you to submit an abstract to the XVIII Conference of Italian Researchers in the World that will be held on: Saturday, April 13th, 2024 starting at 9:00am – 4:00pm (PST) East Wing Lounge, University...
COSMO-SkyMed images to monitor volcanic activities in Hawaii
An important outcome of the interferometric COSMO-SkyMed data processing The Italian Space Agency (ASI), in coordination with the CEOS WG Disasters has been continuously provided COSMO-SkyMed data for volcanic monitoring in Hawaii since 2012. COSMO-SkyMed radar images are properly combined to form “interferograms” that show ground deformations associated with earthquakes...
Novel radiation detectors for more effective oncological therapies
Novel smart and compact devices, capable of detecting the effects of ionizing radiation on cancerous and healthy cells and tissues, have been developed to enhance the effectiveness of innovative oncological therapies, such as proton therapy. This is the result of the BIOTRACK project coordinated by ENEA and funded by the...
New process developed to turn plastic marine litter into oil
An ENEA research team has devised a process to turn over 90% of plastic waste from the sea into new “oil” to be used as fuel or to produce new plastics, paints, solvents and countless organic compounds. This activity was conducted as part of the European interregional Italy-Croatia project “NETWAP”...
ENEA develops a biofortified tomato for Space missions
ENEA has engineered dwarf tomato plants enriched with antioxidant molecules beneficial for the diet of astronauts during long-term missions and able to counteract the effects of cosmic radiation for the plant itself. The activities were carried out as a part of the HORTSPACE and BIOxTREME projects, funded by the Italian...
Maria Carmela Basile has been appointed Member of MSIC’s International Advisory Board
Maria Carmela Basile is the Head of the Technology Transfer Office of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Italy’s largest research institution and the fourth in Europe, covering all ranges of scientific, technological, and social sciences. As director of the TTO, she oversees and coordinates a staff of more than 20...
Stefano Corgnati is the new Rector of the Politecnico
Stefano Paolo Corgnati will lead the Politecnico di Torino for the next six years. Corgnati, born in 1973, graduated with honors in Mechanical Engineering and PhD in Energetics, is Full Professor of Technical Environmental Physics at the Energy Department “Galileo Ferraris” (TEBE research group) of the Politecnico. A former...
Opportunità di tirocinio presso le Sedi del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
Il MAECI ha in vigore una Convenzione con il MUR (Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca) e con la Fondazione CRUI (Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane) per l’attivazione di tirocini curriculari trimestrali presso le Rappresentanze diplomatiche italiane all’estero. Il programma di tirocini mira a integrare il percorso formativo universitario dello studente con un’esperienza concreta...
Mauro Battocchi is the new Director General for the promotion of the Italy System of MAECI
Former Italian Ambassador to the Republic of Chile, Mauro Battocchi, was appointed Director General for the Promotion of the Italy System at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in January 2024. Previously, he served as Diplomatic Adviser at the Ministry of Economic Development, Consul General of Italy...
International Symposium “Italy in Transit”
VIII Symposium February 9-10, 2024 Organized by the FAU Italian Studies Program, in collaboration with the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute (New York) and the FAU Initiative for the Study of the Americas, under the patronage of the Consulate General of Italy in Miami. Guests are invited to...