Happy or angry, how the brain recognize emotions.

A team from the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia has discovered one of the brain circuits through which we recognize and respond to others’ emotions The Genetics of Cognition research group coordinated by Francesco Papaleo at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT-Italian Institute of Technology) has discovered a brain network present...

B7 Summit, delivered Final Declaration with industry recommendations to Premier Meloni

Strengthening the economic clout of the G7 through public-private cooperation and urgently narrowing the competitiveness gap. This is, according to B7-among the most influential Engagement Group reserved for G7 industry-the high road to addressing the transitions that are reshaping the economy. This is the central message of the Final Declaration...

A new generation of greener batteries

Creating increasingly sustainable, high-performing, safe and low-cost materials for a new generation of green batteries is the goal of the all-Italian 4 million euro project ORANGEES, which comprises the Cnr (leader), ENEA, National Inter-university Consortium for the science and technology of materials, Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), Research on the...

Sensors and drones for risk protection

3D models of bridges and viaducts, platforms for critical infrastructure and sensor networks, but also photogrammetric surveys, drones and training are some of the solutions to make infrastructures safer in the case of earthquakes or other disasters that ENEA presented at the conference “Existing bridges, viaducts and tunnels: research, innovation...

New technologies for more efficient desalination plants

ENEA and the Italian company SEKO have developed an innovative high pressure pump for reverse osmosis water desalination plants with integrated energy recovery device. This low-cost prototype, created thanks to a POC loan, it’s easy to develop at industrial scale and it’s targeted to small communities, islands and SMEs. The...

Festival dell’Economia – Trento. “QUO VADIS? The Dilemmas of Our Time”

MAY 23-26,  2024   How can the climate change challenge be faced? Will economic development win the battle against the tightening necessary to beat inflation? Will high public debt eventually destabilise the authority of nations? Is energy transition achievable on the tight timescale dictated by the West? Will the demographic...

Webinar on AI – Funding Research Opportunity

Texas Scientific Italian Community in cooperation with the Center Studies International Economic on European Funds, is organizing under the Auspices of the Consulate General of Italy in Houston, a Webinar on BILATERAL EUROPEAN FUND ITALY – UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Tuesday May 28th at 12:00 CST  ...

Research, a call worth €20 million for research, development and innovation projects in Calabria

Regione Calabria has recently published a call to support industrial research, experimental development and innovation projects submitted as a result of “actual collaboration” between local enterprises and research institutions, aimed at achieving a shared goal and enabling participants to improve their positioning in the market or favour the opening of...

Sea environment protection, CNR “Gaia Blu” vessel starts explorative campaign

Gaia Blu”, the oceanographic vessel of the National Research Council (CNR), left the port of Crotone at the end of March to start the “ECOREST” expedition designed to acquire new knowledge on deep-sea habitats, which are especially vulnerable, in 3 strategic areas of the Mediterranean Sea: south Tyrrhenian Sea, northern...

