Open call – XIX Conference of Italian Researchers in the World

Texas Scientific Italian Community (TSIC) in collaboration with Université de Bruxelles, invite you to submit an abstract to the XIX Conference of Italian Researchers in the World that will be held on:

Friday, May 23rd, 2025
European Parliament
Rue Wiert, 60 B-1047, Bruxelles – Belgium

The Conference is open to Italian researchers working in different fields of science, technology, aerospace, medicine and humanities. The Organizing Committee also welcomes researchers from all countries and industries working on topics related to Italy to submit an abstract and to attend the live Conference.

Abstracts, inclusive of research summary and biography, should be limited to one printed page not to exceed 400 words and should be in docx format. Please feel free to submit an abstract even if you will not be able to attend the live Conference.

Please send your abstract and a short biography to:

Deadline for submissions is March 31st, 2025

The official language of the meeting is English. The event will allow participating researchers residing in various parts of the world to connect in VTC, and can be followed by the public in live streaming at the FB address:

We look forward to your participation in this event and want to thank you for your support in the continued success of the Conference.




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