

The Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) is the national authority responsible for drugs regulation in Italy. It is a public body operating autonomously, transparently and according to cost-effectiveness criteria, under the direction of the Ministry of Health and under the vigilance of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economy. It cooperates with the Regional Authorities, the National Institute of Health, Research Institutes, Patients’ Associations, Health Professionals, Scientific Associations the Pharmaceutical Industry and the Distributors. Promote good health through medicines – Set fair pharmaceutical policies and assure their consistent application nationwide – Manage the value and cost of medicines – Promote pharmaceutical research and development – Demonstrate independence and leadership both at home and internationally.

Airi is a private non-profit association with juridical personality representative of a national network of about 100 members: Industries, SME’s, Research Organisations, Public research bodies and Universities, Financial institutions and Industrial associations. Airi industrial members include major Italian players in the EU Industrial R&D investment scoreboard. Founded in 1974, Airi mission today is to foster the co-operation between Industry and Public research in Italy and the European Union and to promote Italy-based R&D and Innovation toward the national and international dimension.


ADI brings together the leading protagonists of the Italian Design System. ADI was established in 1956 in Milan. It was and it continues to be the driver and actor of a new design and product culture. To detect and analyse design trends, ADI has established the Permanent Design Observatory, which every year publishes the ADI Design INDEX, the selection of Italian products judged to be the most excellent in Italy. The ADI Compasso d’Oro Award is assigned once every three years to products considered bearers of the ethical, cultural and aesthetic responsibility of design and of the sustainability of products, processes, systems and service innovation. ADI Compasso d’Oro Award is the highest acknowledgement for a design, a product or a research project. Its international visibility and the Historical Collection of the Award-winning and short-listed selections, accumulated over more than half a century and enriched regularly every three years with the winners of a new edition, make it an extraordinary testimonial of contemporary Italian design.


Established in 1986, LUISS Alumni Association (ALL) builds a network among graduates at University LUISS Guido Carli. The purpose is that of developing a dynamic thinking community where to share ideas and values, promoting both institutional and informal meetings. The Association also focuses on the professional market, offering to its members prestigious exclusive partnerships and career opportunities, as well as an open environment where to discuss the most relevant national and international current events.


Established with the merging of Asca and TMNews, askanews is one of the main Italian news agencies, recognizable for delivering on-time and multimedia daily information, constantly updated. askanews offers impartial and in depth information flows in each format (text, picture and video), usable one each device. The agency was born digital and adapts itself to the changing needs of the news market, first of all mobile trends and the rising of global audience. With more than one hundred journalists, two headquarters in Italy – Rome and Milan, a team of correspondents from the Italian regions, askanews guarantees a widespread and prompt information flow, covering politics, economics and general news, national and international. In particular, askanews avails itself of a newsroom in Moscow and one in News York, alongside a network of journalists and collaborators located in the areas of world strategic geopolitical interest. Supported by local news agencies, as well as institutional and associative information sources, such a network is able to offer a constant and widespread journalistic contribute. Lastly, thanks to the prestigious partnership with France Presse (AFP) and the Russian news agency Rossiya Segodnya, askanews is daily provided with eminent and constantly updated journalistic feeds from all over the world.


Promotion of economic and territorial development and the improvement of the quality of life of its citizens: this is the objective underpinning the activities of the Rome Chamber of Commerce. As an institution which, by adopting a “Culture of Doing”, the Rome Chamber of Commerce has decided to invest in its resources and know-how to create a leading-edge and competitive scenario in its territory, endowed with modern tangible and intangible infrastructures and services of a sufficient level to meet the needs of the companies within the territory. Thanks to the “common belief” of this professional association manifested in its governing committees and bodies, the Chamber of Commerce has actively promoted the implementation of a decisive process of modernisation aimed to create both employment and wealth in its territory: the New Rome Exhibition Centre, the System of Technology Parks, The Agri-Foodstuffs Centre and the Auditorium.


Casucci – Di Tardo & Associati is an Italian leading law firm providing integrated legal and tax advice on all areas of business law. Casucci – Di Tardo & Associati provides integrated law advising to the companies on commercial, corporate and tax law, on antitrust, intellectual property, banking law, labour law, as well as on international law, including international disputes and international debt collection. Casucci – Di Tardo & Associati has a notable expertise in mergers and acquisitions, private equity and structured finance. The strong linguistic skills of our lawyers offer foreigner clients and international group a comprehensive and continuous advice on both local and cross borders transactions.


Confindustria is the Confederation of Italian Industries with about 150.000 associated companies, employing 5.445.111 people, representing more than 20 industrial sectors. SMEs represent 97,7% of Confindustria enterprises. Piccola Industria, within Confindustria, is the organization aimed to support SMEs and promote their development with the economic and social growth of the country.

The National Research Council (CNR) is the largest public research body in Italy, performing multidisciplinary activities, the only one under the Ministry of University and Research (MUR). The activities are carried out thanks to a wealth of human resources: 8,500 employees work throughout the Country, 7,000 of them are engaged in research activities. The CNR’s scientific network consists of 88 Research Institutes, coordinated by 7 thematic Departments. Founded in 1923, CNR’s mission is to perform scientific research projects in the main sectors of knowledge and to apply the results for the development of the Country, promoting innovation, the internationalization of the national “research system” and the competitiveness of the industrial system. The CNR pays particular attention to the collaboration with the industrial system: joint programs, research contracts, innovative services, patent licensing, creation of consortia and spin-offs, and initiatives aimed to support the technology transfer..


Consorzio Roma Ricerche (CRR), created in Rome (Italy) in 1986 as a nonprofit organization formed by private and public entities, is specialized in innovation technology transfer. CRR mission is to encourage and facilitate the exchange and collaboration between the world of research and the industry. Starting from fostering and supporting collaborative actions among its members, Consorzio Roma Ricerche promotes the transfer of knowledge and technology to those enterprises that aim to improve their competiveness.


Distretto dell’Audiovisivo e dell’ICT (Distretto) is a non profit Consortium whose members are companies and associations working in the sectors of IT, TLC and Audiovisual Content. Distretto is supported by Unindustria Roma, Latina, Frosinone, Rieti, Viterbo, Camera di Commercio of Rome and the Municipality of Rome. Each Institution can appoint a Vice-President. Distretto was instituted in 2000. It acts as an Innovation Integrator to build groups of SME’s, Big Companies, Research Centers and Universities in order to achieve great innovation processes among its members.

CRANEC, Centro di Ricerche in Analisi Economica e Sviluppo Economico Internazionale founded in 1977 on the initiative of Alberto Quadrio Curzio, develops basic and applied research in economic analysis, international economics and economic development. CRANEC promotes research activities among economists and non-economists, also promoting collaboration with non-Italian scholars, with collaboration agreements with other entities, with the promotion of seminars, conferences, publications and any other initiative useful to achieve the goals indicated in its statute and also committing itself to disseminate the results achieved.


ENEA is the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development and its activities mainly concern energy efficiency, renewables, nuclear energy, climate and environment, safety and health, new technologies and Research System Elettrico.Su these issues, the Agency ENEA performs basic research, industrial and mission-oriented skills using broad-spectrum and experimental facilities, specialized laboratories and advanced instruments, develops new technologies and advanced applications, disseminates and transfers the results obtained encouraging their use for productive purposes; provides to public and private services with high technological content such as studies, measurements, tests and evaluations. Finally performs training and information aimed at increasing the skills and knowledge of the public sector.


Guida Monaci SpA, which operates since 1870, is a content quality provider, an indipendent leader in the following areas: Publishing (business information solutions), Procurement (ICT solutions for supplier management) and Consulting (digital marketing solutions). Guida Monaci is an historical italian company which merge togheter quality tradition and new innovative technologies and methods. represents a business intelligence tool for Risk Management & Marketing activities to providing the users with a wide range of solutions to research, consult and download financial, economic and marketing data of italian and international companies.


For more than forty years, the Istituto Europeo di Design has been operating in the fields of education and research in the disciplines of design, fashion, visual communication and management. Today, the IED is a constantly expanding international network with seats in Milan (1966), Rome(1973), Turin (1989), Madrid (1994), Barcelona (2002), San Paolo in Brazil (2005), Venice (2007), Florence (2008), Cagliari (2009) and Como (2012) that issues first-level academic diplomas and organizes three-year courses, Masters courses, continuous professional development and advanced training courses. Since 2013 courses have commenced in Rio de Janeiro, the second IED school in Brazil. IED Moda, IED Design, IED Visual Communication and IED Management Lab are the 4 Schools in the IED System: they cater for the needs of the working world. IED inaugurates in 2013 a new disciplinary area: Cinema and New Media the new school of the Digital Media already working together with important companies internationally recognized such as the Rome international Photography Festival.

The Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) is a Foundation financed by the Italian State to conduct scientific research in the public interest, for the purpose of technological development. IIT is under the supervision of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research and is overseen by Corte dei Conti (Italian auditing body) The aim is to promote excellence in basic and applied research and to promote the development of the national economy. The construction of IIT’s laboratories began in 2006 and ended in 2009.


The ICE-Italian Trade Promotion Agency is the government organisation which promotes the internationalisation of the Italian companies, in line with the strategies of the Ministry for Economic Development. ICE provides information, support and advice to Italian and foreign companies. In addition to its Rome headquarters, ICE operates worldwide from a large network of Trade Promotion Offices linked to Italian embassies and consulates and working closely with local authorities and businesses.


Invitalia, the national agency for investment promotion and enterprise development, is the one-stop partner for foreign investors who want to set up or expand their business in Italy. Through its staff, it provides information and strategic analysis to identify the best business solution, offering a deep study and up to date overview on the legal and tax system, the labor market and the national incentive system. Invitalia support services include comprehensive assistance in all stages of the investment process, to provide foreign investors with  the best solutions to meet the requirements of the project. The Agency also supports companies in the search and selection of local business opportunities, national partners, in the recruitment process, through  a stable and structured cooperation with  the Public Administration and the institutions involved at central and local levels.


ISIA Roma Design, a state school of design under the aegis of the Ministry of Public Education, was founded in 1973 by Giulio Carlo Argan. It sprang from the need to train highly professional designers  who would uphold the fine European intellectual and teaching tradition, following in the footsteps of the Bauhaus and the Hochschule fur Gestaltung of Ulm. From these schools it inherited and developed a methodological framework of excellence which it combined with Italians’  great talent for creativity and innovation. ISIA Roma Design is the only European university to have been awarded the ADI “Compasso d’Oro”  prize two times and eight “Plaques” Compasso d’Oro, as well as numerous other prestigious awards. Thanks to constant relations with international partners and investment in research laboratories (since 2011 ISIDE Research Lab, a laboratory for the development of pure and applied research in the design field has been in operation in Rome) the students of I.S.I.A. Roma Design are encouraged to use methods and tools aimed at the full expression of the knowledge and the critical and creative capacities they have acquired, giving them the opportunity to carry out projects and prototypes of great interest to Design-oriented companies, creating an awareness of complexity and the ability to assume project responsibility for company systems.


ISSNAF (Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation) is a 501c(3) not-for- profit organisation whose mission is to promote scientific, academic and technological cooperation amongst Italian researchers and scholars active in North America and the world of research in Italy.


Lazio Innova is the in-house company of Regione Lazio, 19.50% owned by the Chamber of Commerce of Rome. It operates in the design and management of aid programs and actions for economic growth, access to credit, land development and support for innovation. Lazio Innova provides specialized technical assistance to the Lazio Region, with particular reference to the implementation of European programming. Lazio Innova stems from the activity integration and expertise already developed by Sviluppo Lazio, Asclepion, Banca Impresa Lazio, Filas and Unionfidi.


LAZIO@INTERNATIONAL is the new web portal designed by the Regional Government of Lazio to develop and boost the internationalisation of the region’s economy. The aim of the portal is to capitalise on the excellence and resources of Lazio, to offer new functionalities to local enterprises and, through the English-language version, to target and attract business from all over the world, by improving communication and building on a broader international network. It is a governance tool that contains SprintLazio, the regional Contact Point for internationalisation, which has the twofold aim of providing support to enterprises, while informing about and promoting the policy measures and benefits introduced by the Region of Lazio, its local institutional partners and various other national and international stakeholders.


LUISS – Free International University of Social Studies Guido Carli – is a self-initiated university between 1974 and 1978 from a pre-existing Roman institution, the Pro Deo.Con the four Departments of Finance and Economics, Business and Management, Law and Political Science, the programmed number of members (currently 1300 students for the four departments, with the entrance test for admission and attendance is compulsory full-time) and a teaching staff of prestige comes not only from the academic world, professional experience high level, the LUISS offers advanced training model and is characterized by a privileged relationship with the world of work: they are more than 200 companies, public and private institutions and multinational corporations that collaborate with the University to offer undergraduate and graduates the first concrete opportunity to enter the world of work.


The Polytechnic University of Milan was founded on 29 November 1863 by Francesco Brioschi, secretary of the Ministry of Education and rector of the University of Pavia. It is the oldest university in Milan. Its original name was Istituto Tecnico Superiore (“Higher Technical Institute”) and only Civil and Industrial Engineering were taught. Architecture, the second main line of study at the university, was introduced in 1865 in cooperation with the Brera Academy. There were only 30 students admitted in the first year. Over the decades, most of students were men: the first female graduate from the university was in 1913. In 1927 the university moved to piazza Leonardo da Vinci, in the district now known as Città studi (City of Studies), where the university’s main facilities are still today. At the time, it was named Regio Politecnico (“Royal Polytechnic”). The word Regio was removed as Italy was proclaimed a republic at the end of World War II. The historical building still in use today was designed and built by engineers and architects all graduated from the university itself. The present logo, based on a detail of the preparatory sketch of Raphael’s School of Athens, was adopted in 1942. Until then, there was no official logo for the institution. In 1954, the first European centre of electronic computation was opened at the university by Gino Cassinis and Ercole Bottani. In 1963 Giulio Natta received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his research on crystalline polymers, polypropylene in particular. In 1977, the satellite Sirio, jointly developed by the university and other companies, was launched. Since the end of the 1980s, the university has begun a process of territorial expansion that would have resulted in the opening of its satellite campuses in Lombardy and Emilia Romagna. A university program in industrial design was started in 1993. In 2000, the university’s faculty of design was created with new courses in undergraduate and postgraduate programs of graphic & visual, fashion and interior design along with the already existent industrial design. The previous rector of the Polytechnic University of Milan Azzone with the President of Italy Mattarella at the Milan Bovisa campus in 2015. In April 2012, the university announced that, beginning in 2014, all graduate courses would be taught only in English. This decision was then partially revised, after the decision of the Italian Supreme Court, that stated Italian language could not be totally abolished nor downgraded to a marginal role.

The Regio Politecnico di Torino (Royal Turin Polytechnic) was established in 1906. The present-day institution was preceded by the Scuola di Applicazione per gli Ingegneri (Technical School for Engineers, which was founded in 1859 in application of the Casati law) and the Museo Industriale Italiano (Italian Industry Museum) founded in 1862 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade and Industry. The Technical School for Engineers was part of the University, which led to technical studies being accepted as part of higher education. In those times Italy was about to begin a new industrial era, which the Industry Museum was to address more directly thanks to famous scholars and researchers dealing with new subjects such as electrotechnics and building science. The new school was deeply concerned with the needs of the Italian society and its development perspectives. Like other well known Polytechnic Schools in the first years of the 20th century the Regio Politecnico di Torino had several goals and began contacting the European academic world and the Italian industry. Aeronautics began as a subject. Students from all over Italy came to Turin and found in the new laboratories built for the study of various subjects ranging from chemistry to architecture in a positive and helpful atmosphere. During November 1958 a large complex of buildings located in Corso Duca degli Abruzzi was inaugurated in order to expand the volume and the facilities offered by the historical headquarters of Valentino Castle (Castello del Valentino), given in 1859 to the Technical School for Engineers. In the 1990s, new teaching campuses were opened in Alessandria, Biella, Ivrea and Mondovì.


Quasar Design University was born in Rome in 1987, thanks to a group of professionals and university teachers, as a research and training structure focusing on the study and planning of the environment, products and new forms of communication. Today, with over twenty-five years’ experience, Quasar Design University continues on its mission as a completely self-financing and independent private facility. It selects its teaching staff from renowned professionals and experts. It is the original author of teaching programmes that it applies in training that is constantly updated to respond effectively to the changing world of work. It has a dedicated staff to guide and direct the work of its students. It has its base in the centre of Rome that comes with efficient and up-to-date equipment, which welcomes students from all over the world. The desire to always maintain the high quality of training has encouraged the concentration of its activities in a single centre for teaching and development that integrates the culture of design in its various expressions.


Radio Dimensione Suono 100% Grandi Successi, has been founded in Rome in 1978. It is a major national radio network, privately owned and based in Rome and Milan. Eduardo Montefusco, a landmark in the Italian radio scenario, has been the CEO and Chairman of Radio Dimensione Suono S.p.A. since 1981. RDS has grown significantly and ranks now  among the first italian radio stations. It s a well known multimedia group that produces contents, promotes and organizes entertainment events. At the hearth of this evolutionary process we have the “RDS Building” in Rome, a masterpiece of environmental friendly engineering and architecture, a technological hub for our music production, which can also host presentations, conferences and showcases. Here a great visibility is granted to artists coming from all over the world. RDS, which is now expanding in the USA, has also commercial and production offices in Milan.


RetImpresa is the Confindustria’s Agency for the development of business networks in Italy. RetImpresa  was  founded on October 28 2009. Its activiy consists of the coordination  and  delivery of business network related services to its  affiliated  members,  in  line  with the institutional objectives of the Confederation of Italian Industries’(Confindustria).

SAPeri & Co. is a research and service infrastructure of the Sapienza University of Rome, whose aim is to promote outstanding applied research and to support innovation by offering a variety of services to companies and industries. SAPeri & Co. is organized as a hub model that connects different laboratories and expertise. The headquarter is located inside the main University Campus, inside the building Palazzina Tumminelli.


With over 700 years of history and 130 thousand students, of whom about 7,000 are not Italian, “La Sapienza” University is the first university in Europe. “La Sapienza”, with 11 faculties, 63 departments and numerous study centers, offering over 250 undergraduate and 200 master’s and reached levels of excellence in various research areas such as archeology, physics and astrophysics, humanities and cultural heritage, the environment, nanotechnology, cell and gene therapy, the design, aerospace.


The Society for the Technological Industrial Romano is a limited company established in 1995 by the will of the Chamber of Commerce of Rome, which is a shareholder at 95% by Holding Srl Room To participate in other subjects such as social capital: the City of Rome (by ACEA, AMA ATAC), the Lazio Region (through the regional financial Filas and Lazio Development Agency), the Province of Rome and ENEA. Society held action to promote, stimulate the development and upgrading of the industrial technologically advanced through the Technopole Tiburtino (within which research has offices in Rome), where he is the creator, promoter and scorer, and the Technopole Castel Romano, acquired and re-launched with new features polo eccellenza.La Society for the Technological Industrial Romano participates in the network APSTI, the Italian Association of Science and Technology Parks.


UniCredit is a major international financial institution and is present in Italy with an extensive network throughout the nazionale.La capillarity is one of the main values ​​of UniCredit, allowing a constant and deep-rooted relationship with local communities and contributing to their development through collaboration and dialogue with local communities, institutions and businesses.


Courses began on November 1959 as a branch of the University of Urbino. The university itself opened in 1969 with approval of a charter for the Independent University of Ancona and by-laws establishing a 2-year course of study for the School of Engineering and a 3-year course of study for the School of Medicine and Surgery. The Higher Council on Public Education recognized the School of Engineering for the 1969-70 academic year and the School of Medicine and Surgery for the following year. The University of Ancona was recognized as a state university on 18 January 1971. Schools of agriculture and sciences were added over the next two decades, and in January 2003 the University was renamed Università Politecnica delle Marche.


Our mission is to focus our activities on health and wealth of people in the surrounding environment, through the integration of cultural and scientific areas which are the hallmark of our University, and the collaboration with national and international partners working in the health, economic-industrial and socio-institutional fields, in order to generate knowledge, to educate the new generations and actively participate in the progress of Brescia, of Italy and, in general, of the world.

The University of Naples Federico II was established in 1224 through an Imperial Charter of Frederick II Hohenstaufen, King of Sicily and Holy Roman Emperor. It was the first publicly funded university in Europe. Nowadays the university offers courses in essentially all academic disciplines, leading to one hundred fiftyfive graduate level degrees. Research facilities provide support to all these courses. Students are given the opportunity to pursue intellectual development as well as the acquisition of professional skills. Current student enrollment nears 86,000 and the academic personnel, at this time, is 2532.


Designed on the model of the Anglo-Saxon university campuses, the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, whose teaching activity began in 1982, occupies a territorial extension of 600 hectares and has about 40,000 studenti.All ‘inside the area, where there are major research institutions such as CNR and ASI, the Italian Space Agency, will be based on laboratory Nicola Cabibbo, the new international center for fundamental and applied physics sponsored by the National Institute of Nuclear Physics and the University of Rome “Tor Vergata “for the realization of the accelerator Super B.Oggi the University” Tor Vergata “offers 114 degree programs – including 9 in English language – between 144 Educational Courses and Masters, 41 specialization schools, participates in international projects and promotes interdisciplinary research in the field.

The Universitá di Genova, is one of the largest universities in Italy. It is located in the city of Genoa and in the Liguria region of northwestern Italy. The original university was founded in 1481. According to Microsoft Academic Search 2016 rankings, the University of Genoa has high-ranking positions among the European universities in multiple computer science fields, in machine learning and pattern recognition the University of Genoa is the best scientific institution in Italy and is ranked 36th in Europe; in computer vision the University of Genoa is the best scientific institution in Italy and is ranked 34th in Europe; in computer graphics the University of Genoa is ranked 2nd institution in Italy and 35th in Europe.


Unindustria is the union of industrialists and business of Rome, Latina, Frosinone, Rieti and Viterbo and is configured as the largest business association Confindustria for territorial extension of the system and the second largest number of members. Among the institutional tasks, Unindustria assist and protect the companies producing goods and services with industrial organization of the production system in Lazio, promotes and encourages the development of business activities, research cooperation at all levels with institutional, economic, political and social.