More opportunities for Start-ups
Miami Scientific Italian Community fosters the set-up of new enterprises supporting the industrial projects oriented to the commercialization of ideas, innovative products and research results. The activity is carried out by the screening and selection of innovative ideas that can be transformed into profitable businesses and the screening, on one hand, and by the selection of business ideas a high technological content that can be achieved through the research, on the other.
OPEN CALL STARTUP: sono aperte le candidature per i Programmi di Accelerazione negli Stati Uniti “Future Seed e Upward Phase” di Star Italia Accelerator.
Potranno partecipare startup provenienti da tutto il territorio nazionale italiano ed è previsto un sostegno finanziario facoltativo a titolo di rimborso spese per le startup selezionate. Saranno ammesse ad ogni programma di accelerazione al massimo 10 startup e il costo per ciascuna startup potrà essere al massimo pari a 28.000 euro.
In cosa consiste il Programma di Accelerazione:
i programmi di accelerazione sono rivolti a startup in fase seed, early stage, early growth costituite e non ancora costituite operanti nei settori Aerospazio, Biotecnologie, Industrie Creative, Hospitality, Green e Blue Economy e le attività prevedono la contaminazione con un forte orientamento al rafforzamento di competenze distintive e un importante focus sul processo di validazione del business model e sullo sviluppo del fatturato, attraverso un approccio basato sull’open innovation e sulla creazione di nuovi contatti, opportunità e relazioni industriali, commerciali o finanziarie, di cui le startup potranno beneficiare anche dopo la conclusione del programma. I servizi comprendono anche spazi di lavoro condivisi.
Ciascuna startup selezionata parteciperà ad un percorso di accelerazione della durata massima di 6 mesi, con il supporto di mentor, di corporate partner e di investitori selezionati.
Future Seed che dura tra i due e i quattro mesi e si rivolge alle aziende meno mature, offrendo loro servizi e dando loro l’opportunità di presentare le proprie idee agli investitori attraverso presentazioni pubbliche (public pitch events) o giornate dimostrative (demo days).
Upward Phase che ha una durata variabile tra i due e i sei mesi ed è rivolto a startup più strutturate alle quali si offre l’opportunità di connettersi con reti di altre aziende con le quali possono condividere esperienze e aumentare le possibilità di nuove opportunità.
Contact US
Star Italia Accelerator
1680 Michigan Avenue, Suite 700
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Email: info@staritaliaccelerator.com
The Italian Trade Agency (ITA), the governmental Agency for the promotion and internationalization of Italian companies abroad, has been directed to organize an integrated development program named “Global Startup Program” (the “Program”) for Italian start-ups to foster new business opportunities and attract international investments.
The Global Start Up Program – offers participants a period of acceleration abroad with some of the most prominent international players. The selected companies will have the opportunity to interact with local stakeholders to increase their skills for professional development and interaction with potential foreign investors, with the condition that the start-up participants undertake to maintain the know-how or resources acquired during this process in Italy for a minimum period of time. The program involves 9 focus countries worldwide and approximately 50% of the Italian startups cohort is usually assigned to different accelerator partnerships activated by the ITA network of offices in the United States
After a careful selection, ITA will select more than 100 start-ups in the following fields:
● ICT – artificial intelligence, cyber security, fintech, blockchain, big data, e-commerce, augmented and virtual reality, video games, services, infrastructures, and
telecommunication components;
● Robotics and Industry 4.0;
● Aerospace;
● Automotive – with attention to future mobility (electric and connected vehicles and related services);
● Life Sciences – medical and biotech equipment and applications;
● Smart Agriculture and Foodtech;
● Green Transition and Circular Economy – low carbon technologies, sustainable materials, renewable energies, clean technologies;
● Smart Cities and Home Automation – critical infrastructure, urban design, IoT, citizen services, digital design
Contact US
Italian Trade Agency
Los Angeles Office
1900 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 350
90067 Los Angeles, CA
Email: losangeles@ice.it

Venture Bridge Florida is the State of Florida’s official soft landing program in partnership with Enterprise Florida and Venture Hive and offered through the Flitepath platform.
- The world’s first globally validated virtual soft landing program
- Tailored for businesses to scale efficiently and economically
- Utilizes Florida’s infrastructure, competitive industry verticals, and prime position as the economic bridge between North America and Latin America
Program Characteristics
- Customized coaching, training, and support for companies with revenues between $500K and $20M
- One-on-one mentoring sessions that provides accountable, goal-setting, and suggestions from someone who has been there
- 12 week curriculum to prepare founders and teams for arrival, offered virtually through the Flitepath platform
- Free initial consultations with vetted lawyers, accountants, and other specialists who will allow your business the solid foundations to launch in Florida
- Extensive network of talented entrepreneurs, mentors, and investors
- Refining your business model and pitch deck to fit the Florida/US/Latin American context
- Access to a network of coworking and incubator locations who can host your team or give you a base as you seek office space
About partners
Enterprise Florida Inc. (EFI) is a public-private partnership between Florida’s business and government leaders and is the principal economic development organization for Florida. EFI’s mission is to expand and diversify the state’s economy through job creation. In pursuit of its mission, EFI works closely with a statewide network of economic development partners and is funded both by the State of Florida and by private-sector businesses.
- Global entrepreneurship education leader headquartered in Miami FL
- 100 + companies trained per year
- 1,000 + entrepreneurs and innovators trained per year including large corporate programs focused on internal incubation
- International programs in 60+ countries
- Alumni stats: $150M + capital raised, 2x revenue growth in 18 months
- Entrepreneurship education platform used by Accelerators, Incubators, Economic Development Agencies, Corporate Venture Groups and Corporate Innovation teams to design, execute and measure Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship Programs and their Portfolios throughout the whole life-cycle
- Used by 100,000 + startup and corporate internal ventures in 170+ countries
Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses is an investment to help entrepreneurs create jobs and economic opportunity by providing greater access to education, capital and business support services. Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses provides business education, support services and pathways to capital for growth-oriented entrepreneurs. Participants gain practical skills to take their business to the next level, with topics like financial statements, negotiations, and marketing. Participants develop an actionable growth plan for their business with the help of advisors and a network of like-minded entrepreneurs. The program is free for participants and delivered in partnership with academic institutions across the country. To date, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses has served nearly 12,300 businesses in all 50 states, Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico.
Contact US
Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program
Miami Dade College
300 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Suite 8514
Miami, FL 33132
Tel. 305-237-7814
Email: smallbusiness@mdc.edu