Maurizio Tarquini will be the new Director General of Confindustria

Maurizio Tarquini is currently Director General of Unindustria, the Union of Industrialists of Rome, Frosinone, Latina, Rieti, Viterbo, the largest in the Confindustria System by territorial extent.

Graduated in Statistics and Demography; PhD in “Mathematical analysis, economics and statistical analysis of social phenomena” at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Rome “La Sapienza”.

From February 2001 to February 2003 he was Deputy General Manager and Director of the Knowledge Division of Il Sole 24 Ore publishing company; from March 2003 to July 2006 he was Member of the Board of HR Telecom Italy, Strategic Resource and CEO of TILS (a Telecom Group Company).

He was also Managing Director of LUISS Management SpA and Director of the Project Activities, Head of the Research Centers of the LUISS Guido Carli University.

In 2007 he founded the company ‘Piazza Copernico Srl’. He was also President of Fondimpresa Lazio from 2010 to 2015 he has been Member of the Board of the Rome Chamber of Commerce.

From June 2011 to September 2014 he was Vice President of the Consortium for Industrial Development Rome Latina. In May 2013 he was appointed member of the Board of the Foundation ‘National Academy of Santa Cecilia’. In April 2014 he was appointed member of the Executive Board of ICC Italy – International Chamber of Commerce

In 2013, he was appointed as a member of the International Advisory Board of Miami Scientific Italian Community.

He serves in several prestigious positions in national and international organizations. He has also published numerous articles in the field in Italian and international journals and participated as a speaker at numerous conferences, seminars and workshops.


About Confindustria

Confindustria is the main association representing manufacturing and service companies in Italy, with a voluntary membership of more than 150,000 companies of all sizes, employing a total of 5,383,286 people.

The association’s activities are aimed at guaranteeing the central importance of companies, the driver’s of Italy’s economic, social and civil development. By representing companies and their values at institutions of all levels, Confindustria contributes to social well-being and progress, and from this standpoint guarantees increasingly diversified, efficient and modern services.




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