Maurizio Tarquini, Director General of Confindustria, Honorary Member of the Academic Corps of the Università degli Studi Gabriele d’Annunzio

The solemn ceremony for the conferral of the title of Honorary Member of the Academic Body of the University of “Gabriele d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara to Dr. Maurizio Tarquini, General Director of Confindustria Italy, with solid experience in the academic world as a Lecturer in important Italian Universities, will take place on March 21, at 10:30 AM, in Aula 31 of the Pescara University Campus.

The ceremony follows the unanimous decision made by the Academic Senate of the University, based on a proposal from the Department of Socio-Economic, Managerial, and Statistical Studies, led by Professor Davide Quaglione, and strongly supported by the Vice-Rector for the Pescara campus, Tonio Di Battista. This conferral is also part of the launch of the new Degree Program in Data Analytics for Economics and Society, further strengthening the University’s commitment to promoting innovation and advanced training. The ceremony will be attended by civil, military, and religious authorities, as well as students of the University. The event will open with institutional greetings from the Rector, Liborio Stuppia, the Vice-Rector, Carmine Catenacci, the Directors of the Pescara Economics Departments, and the President of the School of Economic, Business, Legal, and Social Sciences of the “d’Annunzio.” Representatives of sponsoring entities, including Confindustria Abruzzo Medio Adriatico, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Craftsmanship, and Agriculture of Chieti-Pescara, and the Italian Statistical Society, will also contribute to the event. Following will be the speeches of Vice-Rector Tonio Di Battista and Professor Paolo Mariani, Lecturer in Economic Statistics at the University of Bicocca in Milan. It will then be the Rector of “d’Annunzio,” Liborio Stuppia, who will bestow upon Dr. Maurizio Tarquini the title of Honorary Member of the Academic Body. The ceremony will conclude with the laureate’s lectio magistralis.

“The University of ‘d’Annunzio,” explains Professor Tonio Di Battista, Full Professor of Statistics and Vice-Rector with responsibility for the Pescara Campus, “has decided to confer the title of Honorary Member of the Academic Corps to Dr. Maurizio Tarquini, General Director of Confindustria, for his extraordinary contribution to the academic, economic, and social world, characterized by his constant commitment to promoting knowledge, innovation, and economic development. I would like to thank once again our Rector and the entire Academic Senate,” continues Professor Di Battista, “for immediately embracing the proposal and sharing our enthusiasm in granting this prestigious recognition to what will soon be a new and distinguished professor of ‘d’Annunzio.’ I am confident, and I speak on behalf of the entire academic community at ‘d’Annunzio,” concludes Vice-Rector Di Battista, “that, thanks to the extraordinary value of his career and the significant impact his work has had in the academic, economic, and social spheres, the vast experience and undisputed prestige of Professor Tarquini will continue to be a source of inspiration for our students, as well as for the faculty and researchers of this University.”




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