Made In Italy Innovation is a Diplomatic tool in the International Cooperation


The scientific representatives and the world academic, scientific, and industrial leaders get together at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“We need to promote the innovation’s development and the technology transfer by involving the researchers’ associations abroad and with a specific delegation on technology transfer”, said Fabio De Furia, President of the Miami Scientific Italian Community at the opening of the Scientific Representatives’ Conference 2019: Technologies of the Sea and Innovation that Speaks Italian.

This conference is scheduled for June 27th and 28th, 2019 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the participation of the Italian scientific representatives and the world academic, scientific, and industrial leaders, also before the Minister of Foreign Affairs and of the International Cooperation Enzo Moavero Milanesi and the Minister of Education, University and Research Marco Bussetti.

The Conference aims to promote the connection among the components of the Italian innovation in different fields like education, research, and industry, in the perspective of technologies related to the sea, with the aim of promoting Italy’s strong points that know how to produce research and innovation of quality, also through the cooperation with states, companies and researchers abroad.

De Furia continues saying: “It is necessary to invest in Scientific Diplomacy and to boost the Italian system to realize research hub worldwide, perfectly integrated in the territory. Universities and research bodies, local and Italian, are the ones who participate in order to support the promotion, the integration, and collaboration of the applied and industrial research. The institutional aim is creating a link between the university and the industrial world to help the transfer of innovative technologies and support the competitiveness of the Italian industrial system.

We must have a stable relationship, a protocols’ enhancement for the promotion of the patents, the participation of European and International tenders and, therefore – concludes De Furia – the creation of an instrument abroad that also provides services to SMEs.





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