Italy for Italy
“Chiedilo a loro” is the campaign launched by the Miami Scientific Italian Community. Its aim is to provide the widest possible panorama over the world of the Italian Excellence directly or indirectly involved in the project of relaunching Italy as the promoter of science, technology, and innovation in the USA, as narrated by its protagonists.
The widespread attitude and renewed impulse to digital technology and innovation offer unique opportunities for companies and for investment and collaboration with interesting researchers.
This campaign goes hand in hand with a wide-ranging information and awareness campaign, planned for 2021/2022, which includes classes and informative/training seminars aimed at promoting the Italian innovation ecosystem and with the aim of improving the relationship between research and business for both Italy and the United States development.

“The project of relaunching an Italy that is a promoter for science, technology and innovation must unite all the forces of the country and must find the business world as a leading, determined and cohesive actor. The Miami Scientific Italian Community can make an important contribution in this complex historical moment, also for the Italian country which needs to take advantage of a unique opportunity through the Recovery Fund for a new start that gives future to the younger generations. Research, training and innovation are the pillars for the development of the entire entrepreneurial system and of small and medium-sized enterprises, which have always been Italian Excellence”.
Giancarlo Abete
President of A.BE.T.E. SpA

“Strategic lines to develop stable networks between technology hubs, companies and international structures such as the Miami Scientific Italian Community, to make the interconnection between operators along the entire innovation chain fluid: ideas and scouting, prototyping, development and launch. Intercepting and sharing new business models and innovative strategies to generate outgoing and incoming processes in terms of skills and professionalism”
Andrea Bairati
President of AIRI Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca Industriale

“Doing research in the materials’ sector is a complex task that can only be done through networks of researchers, technologists and R&D companies. It requires large research infrastructures, significant funding and it is so hard to do it that it requires skills ranging from semantics to particle physics, from molecules to knowledge of industrial processes. There must be an awareness of how new materials can change the entire process/product chains. Not to mention sustainability, the life cycle, the profound changes that certain discoveries in materials have generated, creating new challenges but also new terrible threats to the environment and to mankind. In the Miami Scientific Italian Community we know the different levels of structural organisation (atomic, crystalline, nanometric, microsopic, mesoscopic) and the importance of deviations from structural perfection (structural defects) and of the interfaces that coexist in materials. The scientific basis for the development of nanostructure and microstructure in materials, the correlations nanostructure-microstructure-process-properties-performance in materials, require a teamwork at the highest level and with a necessarily transnational breath”
Edoardo Bemporad
Professor of Science and Materials Technology, Università di Roma TRE

“The medical device sector in Italy is characterized by strong dynamism and the industrial infrastructure of the sector is mainly made of micro and small companies and start-ups that are mostly specialized in the technological compartment. Promoting the creation of a center of interest of companies operating in the life science “supply chain” capable of attracting financial investments, enhancing the skills and multiplying the opportunities for growth is one of the targets of the Miami Scientific Italian Community
Luciano Berti
President of B.M. Sanitas

“Innovation and Research are strategic elements supporting the competitive capacity of enterprises. For this reason it is essential to continue to promote the contamination with new ideas, to stimulate R&I and SMEs to invest and to report on the Innovations achieved, in terms of product, process and management”
Gabriella Bocca
CEO of Lamebo

“Made in Italy” means tradition and innovation at the same time. We live in an era where emotions spring more and more from the union of two elements: the charm of the past and the momentum towards the future. A charming village that comes back to life thanks to new technologies is just one of many examples of an Italy in virtuous balance between historical times.As Italians, we only need to have the courage and the audacity to climb on the shoulders of our past and take a look towards our future: like we did during the different phases of Italy’s rebirth, to continue writing our history made of passion, innovation, craftmanship, and meticulousness. I always like to remember an inspiring quote from Enzo Ferrari: “The best Ferrari ever made will always be the next one”. I truly think this is the right spirit with which we should face, with renewed momentum, our tomorrow
Simone Boschini
Marketing Director of Ancap

“Not so many years ago I coined a perspective: “From design system to systems design”. It seems to me that, especially in this period, the ability to “look beyond” is more necessary than ever for all of us. Certainly, in our country which, in order to realize ambitious projects, needs the union of multiple skills that are able to transform their capacity for interaction and interconnection into systems and services. But not only that, the whole world needs to be redesigned, as we know, to be saved from increasingly frequent and devastating environmental and health catastrophes. Green agriculture with digital technology, the recovery of environmental, artistic and cultural heritage, the economy of knowledge, innovation in health and research, all fields that need that design in which Italy remains a master, but which it must strive to bring into the system. Because the complexity of the world is linked to the unpredictability of dynamic evolutionary systems, which remain the challenge and the richness of those who want to measure themselves with a new vision and a new overall design of the relationship between human beings and the earth, as well as the universe, which host us”
Giordano Bruno
President of the Course of Studies in Product and Fashion Design of Università Mercatorum
Former Director of ISIA Roma Design

“One of our strategic objectives is to strengthen the innovation chain which, starting from the development of skills and research results, leads to their concrete application”
Domenico Calcaterra
Chief Cardiothoracic Surgery Bethesda Heart Hospital of Baptist South Florida

“We are in a historical context of new normal and history itself teaches us that there is no perfect recipe for overcoming serious economic crises. The ability and speed of adaptation and renewal are the characteristics that will allow Italian companies to restart. It will also be fundamental to invest in research and innovation, in the training of the human capital of one’s own company in order to meet the challenges of the digital transition. Technological innovation is not and will no longer be an optional extra, but an essential path. However, this is the moment of courage. Italian entrepreneurs are asked to question themselves, rethink their business models to make them more efficient, to experience new ways of collaboration, to study winning operating models, to open up to innovation and to the challenges of digitalization. Large companies and large consulting networks are required to make an act of social responsibility in support of SMEs for the growth of the whole country, providing skills and training. Our country is extraordinary for creativity, ingenuity, skills, beauty and culture. Let’s start again from here!”
Teresa Caradonna
Director of Art Division of Caradonna Logistics

“Media, business communication and related services are now more central than ever. Trust, transparency, social values, innovation, change are the key words for a country that grows and everyone will need to use the leverage of communication and information to quickly regain their market share”
Massimo Cicatiello
Vice President Group of Adnkronos

“Promoting Italy and its excellence through innovative and sustainable products, with the use of digital tools now synonymous with aggregation. The world of SMEs must focus on innovation and research to be more competitive, to create value and to undertake a path of internationalisation”
Maria Criscuolo
Chairwoman & Founder of Triumph Group International

“The development of managerial skills is increasingly becoming an essential factor for the competitive growth of Italian companies, also in the international markets. This development helps the all-round improvement in company performance, through a significant contribution of knowledge and skills and triggers the overall growth of all the human capital involved in the production processes. It enables the company to keep pace with the acceleration brought about by technological innovation and allows indispensable progress in terms of environmental, social and financial sustainability. Entrepreneurs and managers are the backbone of our country and represent the main driver for building a stronger Italy. In this context, 4.Manager represents a connector of values and a driving force for a new business culture”
Fulvio D’Alvia
General Manager of 4.Manager

“The progressive ageing underway in the most developed countries and in developing countries, with the consequent increase in degenerative diseases, represents a social bomb that no country can avoid, with the consequent need to develop innovative technologies that allow us to provide treatments with a more advantageous cost/benefit ratio than the current situation; in the Miami Scientific Italian Community we support bilateral and multilateral scientific cooperation activities”
Paolo Di Nardo
Director of Centro Interdipartimentale di Medicina Rigenerativa and Laboratorio di Cardiologia Molecolare e Cellulare and Dipartimento Scienze Cliniche e Medicina Traslazionale dell’Università di Tor Vergata

” The relationship between this territory and the United States has been and will continue to be, of primary importance through three assets: the ability to manufacture quality and beauty, a cultural heritage and unique landscape in the world to restart our tourism industry from, and a capital of talent and “know-how” that makes the difference. Strengthen our partnerships and relationships, to find new opportunities and new growth drivers together. We are “global” for our entrepreneurial culture, as well as for our history, and an even closer relationship with international institutions is fundamental”
Stefano Gabrielli
CEO of Enic Meetings & Events

“Success in the field of research is always the result of a team effort involving many players such as researchers, universities, institutions and research centres, all working together to achieve an ambitious goal”
Massimiliano Galeazzi
Professor and Chair of Physics Department at University of Miami

“Supporting the Italian companies in their Internationalisation process and in entering the North American legal/administrative system is a mission of fundamental importance, and the Miami Scientific Italian Community’s contribution in this process is essential”
Maria Gentile
Partner of the Martinez-Novebaci, Miami Office

“The ability of innovation and creativity is in the Italian DNA . Today, however, innovation is open and progress can only be made through contamination and maximum interaction between all the players in the economic system. For this reason, the work of the Miami Scientific Italian Community is important for creating value, fostering communication and mutual understanding, and giving rise to operations whose result is always greater than the sum of the individual factors”
Gianluca Giordano
CEO of Elmeg

“Design is a way of thinking, living, and producing and Italians have been masters of it for a long time. We are on the threshold of a new post-war period and it is certainly the moment in which Italian grey oil (brain drain or not) should return to play a driving role in Italy and abroad through networking. Miami Scientific Italian Community is an opportunity for our country to win back a role of cultural leadership based on design as the cornerstone of the training of citizens and young innovators who will see in technology the tools to enhance the physical environment and increase the level of well-being of people, making it the driving force behind an economy based on advanced services and continuous innovation”
Carlo Giovannella
President of ASLERD

“It is always good to remember that our country is the country of the Renaissance, that Renaissance that has firm roots in Humanism. But not only that! The civil economy was born in our country, the figure of which is to go beyond the only, legitimate, essential, profit. These are the genetic characteristics of italian entrepreneurs who make from contamination, territories and the community the richness of the beauty and the well-made and know how to export this wealth to the world. Today, in an ever changing world, where some borders, even mental ones, are changing, I believe that the Italian entrepreneurship can be an exporter not only of sustainable and innovative products, but also of essential values for good living. The admirabile initiative of the Miami Scientific Italian Community goes in this direction, combining science, technology and innovation, sectors in which also Italian SMEs know how to excel “
Renato Goretta
President of Gesta Srl Società Benefit

“It will be important for Italy to re-envision the tourism in the future: a new tourism that will have to know how to seize the opportunities connected to the digital world. Innovation, sustainability, digital, and attention to new lifestyles that focus on the well-being and safety of the individual are now crucial issues it has become essential to invest on. Digital will increasingly characterize industrial supply chains, it is the enabling platform for reform and competitiveness. The digital capability will increasingly be a determining factor for inclusion. I am sure that in this delicate phase of restarting, Miami Scientific Italian Community will have a central role in contributing to the development of the entrepreneurial system”
Marina Lalli
President of Federturismo Confindustria

“The post-lockdown recovery of the economic system depends a lot on the degree of digitalization and innovation that companies will be able to adopt, especially in a time like this when it is often necessary to rethink about business models. Digital technologies are among the priorities of the production system that if applied promptly and correctly, they can help companies to be more competitive; if ignored, they can leave companies on the margins of the market. SMEs must be the priority recipients of resources for innovation and digitalization. The large company can build and activate both innovation and 4.0 technologies at home; it is the small company that needs help because either it works in a chain with the large company and therefore benefits in some way, or it must organize itself, but the small ones can hardly pay for a dedicated manager specialized in this area. This is why SMEs that do not develop this culture, risk to remain behind. Italy, however, has much to offer in this field, and there are numerous cases of international excellence in the sector. The contribution that the Miami Scientific Italian Community will be able to make in this sense is very important because it will be able to create added value by combining science and technology and promoting the development of innovation and digitalization chains”
Pasquale Lampugnale
CEO of Sidersan

“In order to increase exports and consolidate its leadership role at global level, Made in Italy must adopt a systemic logic that focuses on design, innovation and technology and exploits the natural capacity of our SMEs to come together”
Cinzia La Rosa
CEO of La Rosa Energy

“The open innovation between large companies, SMEs and start-ups is the engine for widespread innovation within the corporate operational processes and a boost for the creation of strong international partnership and networks, thanks to open platforms for business matching in blockchain such as RetImpresa Registry”
Carlo La Rotonda
General Director of Retimpresa

“In Italy and in the United States, new measures are being studied to support the markets involved in trade relations between the two countries after the pandemic. The environmental and climate risk management that will have to follow is also destined to reshape the global geo-political balances in a context where access to raw materials will be outclassed by the technological ability to make the most of new alternative energies and to defend intellectual property. Our technologies already on show with the Miami Scientific Italian Community”
Shiva Loccisano
Director of Technology Transfer Office of Politecnico di Torino

“Italian design was the first to understand the need to interpret, experiment and diversify the emerging heritage generated by materials and their flexible identity: small and medium-sized industry was the ideal environment to experiment and investigate this heritage, combining it with know-how and the ability to generate innovation through applied research. Accompanying Italy’s innovation, research and technology transfer policies to support spin-offs, start-ups and creative industries is what we are doing in the USA with the Miami Scientific Italian Community”
Sabrina Lucibello
Director of Centro Ricerca e Servizi Saperi & Co of Sapienza Università di Roma

“I believe there are many possible ways to talk about Italian excellence and the role played by SMEs, where attention to technology increasingly complements the classic savoir faire that distinguishes our products and their quality. Talking about my region, I believe the perfect example is the jewellery that is created in Valenza and exported around the world (with an important market share in the USA). An example of the beautiful made in Italy where craftsmanship and the support of innovation coexist in the creation of unique products”
Tiziano Maino
Legal Manager of I.S.E. (Impianti Strumentali Elettrici)

“In order to unlock the immense value that can emerge from passionate individuals and teams, cutting-edge research, customer-centric validation as well as focused and reasoned business plans are not useful if such value is not part of a value ecosystem working in osmosis. Untapped potential can be of true value if it is part of an international network able to accelerate its vectors, and this is especially true when we consider such exponential technologies as, for example, Robotics or Artificial Intelligence. Such networks must seamlessly integrate Universities, Research Centres, startups, and established companies for their mutual benefits and complementarity. The Miami Scientific Italian Community has decided to focus such an effort on the Italy-Florida directive, and the results so far testify how good they have been in this!”
Fulvio Mastrogiovanni
Professor of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, Head of Program MSc in Robotics Engineering, Deputy Chancellor, International Affairs of University of Genoa

“These last 16 months have changed everything: supporting the business development of Italian companies in foreign markets has become today even more linked to the capability of being digitally present both online and offline. Digital transformation and technology transfer are here to stay and are fundamental for business resilience”
Mattia Miglio
International marketer and business developer executive

“The world of Italian SMEs and widespread manufacturing needs that research capable to support innovation and young people with a future ahead who are capable of being its best interpreters. This extraordinary mix generates differentiation, the most important challenge for successful competition”
Diego Mingarelli
CEO of Diasen

“As an entrepreneur, I would like our country to make a big effort to invest in the quality of the culture of those around us. Research is a fundamental investment, and wherever you decide to work and raise your children, I want to remind you that your work serves to create a more aware and more civilised country. Research serves to change a country, to change its identity, to change its social cohesion, to create a widespread consensus that censors any practice of the past”
Eduardo Montefusco
President of Radio Dimensione Suono

“The country needs it to look to the future: the Miami Scientific Italian Community is one of those places that showcase and promote Italian knowledge and science, which is a common heritage made with knowledge and expertise. We look to the Miami Scientific Italian Community and to the associations of Italian researchers abroad in general, with all the attention they deserve because, especially at this time, our country also needs them to be able to look to the future with a little more serenity in a globalised world”
Roberto Morabito
Director of the Department of Sustainability of Productive and Territorial Systems of ENEA

“Innovation is the great challenge that both Europe and Italy are facing in this very delicate post-pandemic phase. The Recovery Fund will be the test case that will allow us to strengthen and enhance relations with the US, starting with design and extending to the deep tech sectors of our economy”
Gino Nicolais
President of Materias

“LUISS Alumni 4 Growth, the Impact Investment Club of Luiss Alumni, supports the project “Italy for Italy, #ChiediloaLoro”, sharing the practical commitment to strengthen the ecosystem of Italian innovation in the USA”
Daniele Pelli
CEO of LUISS Alumni 4 Growth

“Investments in research are necessary to increase the competitiveness of our economic system and create value. We are on the right track”
Alberto Riva
Scientist, Bioinformatics Core, Interdisciplinary Center for Biotechnology Research, University of Florida

“This ideal bridge between Italy and the USA should increasingly see Italian SMEs as the protagonists of a successful and valuable internationalisation process; I am sure that with the commitment of all of us, through the support of the Miami Scientific Italian Community, we can make a great contribution in this direction”
Carlo Robiglio
President of Ebano Group

“Science, research, and innovation mean to be always one step ahead of events that can take us by surprise and overwhelm us. I like to think that I live in a world that knows how to combine these realities with the philosophy of beauty. From this point of view, Italy is a universal university. The bridge with the United States is solid and crossed on both sides by cultural, economic and scientific excellence. I believe in the man who does”
Claudia Sartirani

“Made in Italy represents excellence also in high-tech industrial sectors: the Marche region which has always been one of the manufacturing hearts of Europe due to the presence of a significant number of SMEs spread throughout the territory, operating in traditional sectors and with a strong vocation to export to the USA, guarantees high levels of qualified employment and significant rates of investment in innovative and technology-intensive activities”
Gianni Tardini
President of Piccola Industria Confindustria Marche

“Italy, which has always been a factory of talent for discovery and innovation, is increasingly ready to network knowledge and skills to increase beauty and wellbeing in the world”
Maurizio Tarquini
General Director of Unindustria

“We apply technology in almost everything we do in our daily lives. Technology is also an application of science used to solve problems. But it is crucial to know that technology and science are different subjects that work hand in hand but perform specific tasks. Digital transformation is the profound change in organisational activities and processes, skills and business models. We, in the Miami Scientific Italian Community, know all this”
Christian Tirabassi
Senior Partner of Ficom Leisure

“The pandemic has raised two issues: a different relationship between scientists and society and the international dimension of the phenomena. On both sides, the international associations that include scientists in the world, play a fundamental role as Miami Scientific Italian Community has demonstrated in the years including these last difficult ones”
Alberto Silvani
MET Economic and Scientific Committee of CRANEC, Univeristá Cattolica

“A proactive system thanks to the creation of networks with the use of actions balanced between disciplinary and systemic approach, necessary as the multidisciplinary knowledge, and the soft skills are critical success factors. Internationalization and enabling technologies are recognized as a primary driving force: in this context, Miami Scientific Italian Community is certainly an instrument of great value, an element of connection between two communities that are historically very close, and for the present and for a future that is oriented towards the new generations”
Teodoro Valente
Full Professor of Materials Science and Technology of Sapienza Università di Roma

“High technological know-how to support the research system and that of Italian SMEs in the processes of innovation and internationalization, also trying to encourage the incoming of American high-tech companies”
Andrea Zapponini
Owner of Zapponini 1905

“Italy remains an absolutely reliable country for American allies and investors. The numbers are finally encouraging, as in the past we are an absolutely reliable country for our allies and foreign investors; the role of the Miami Scientific Italian Community is fundamental for research and business between Italy and the USA”
Stefano Zapponini
President of Sistema Gioco Italia