The Italian Institute of Artificial Intelligence for Industry (AI4I) is seeking visionary, ambitious, and talented leaders to serve as the Founding Heads of its first set of R&D Units. Application Deadline: Sunday, April 13, 11:59 PM CEST. About AI4I and its R&D Units AI4I is the newly established Italian institute...
Opportunities for innovation
Call for Papers – 10th International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystem and Regional Development
On occasion of the 10th edition of the SLERD conference – themed “A Decade of SLERD: Facts and Future Directions” – we intend to reflect on a journey of impactful research, transformative insights, and collaboration that followed the evolution of smart learning ecosystems. Over the past ten years, SLERD has...
2025 – International STUDENT DESIGN CONTEST – sixth edition
Call for ideas and proofs of concept This call targets students (bachelor, master and PhD students). It is open to individuals and groups. Differently from the general conference call for papers, under this call it is expected to collect innovative ideas, solutions and/or proofs of concept that can be presented...
NIH Research Funding Programs
Learn more about NIH research funding programs . For most NIH programs, there are three funding cycles per year. There are two main types of NIH research funding opportunities: Investigator initiated research is the most common NIH funding opportunity. The R01 is the NIH’s main funding mechanism . In general...
Contratti di Ricerca per Ricercatori Internazionali
Al via i contratti di ricerca. Con un finanziamento di 37,5 milioni di euro, il Mur ha pubblicato l’avviso con il quale Università e Enti di ricerca potranno assumere ricercatori internazionali post dottorato che vogliono proseguire in Italia la loro attività. Per ciascuna posizione di ricercatore da assumere il contributo...
EU Startup & Scaleup strategy: Call for evidence
Innovators, businesses, policy makers, universities and everyone interested, we want to hear from you! Contribute to the newly launched call for evidence and help us design the EU Startup and Scaleup Strategy to support startups and smaller companies grow in the Single Market and cut red tape. From today until...
Knowledge Share launches platform for open innovation and start-ups
Open Innovation Wall is project of Knowledge Share to connect, within an open digital ecosystem, the demand and supply of innovation. The dynamic and interactive space designed to facilitate collaboration between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), innovative start-ups, corporations and research organisations. This environment stimulates the coming together of ideas...
Be Leaf be the future. Proponi la tua tecnologia e diventa partner del gruppo Philip Morris.
Philip Morris Italia, in collaborazione con Almacube, è alla ricerca di nuove tecnologie e soluzioni applicabili ai processi dell’azienda e alla filiera agricola del tabacco. Questo programma mira a promuovere l’integrazione di tecnologie e soluzioni avanzate, all’interno del gruppo Philip Morris. In seguito a una fase iniziale di scouting e...
Nuove Opportunitá di lavoro in ENEA
ENEA ha indetto nuovi concorsi per un totale di 175 posizioni lavorative a tempo indeterminato (116 per laureati e 59 per diplomati). Scadenza presentazione domande: 3 marzo 2025 ore 11:30. Nel dettaglio: 59 unità di personale diplomato (Collaboratori Tecnici)…/bando-di-concorso-per… 82 unità di personale laureato (Ricercatori) 34 unità di...
Space Suit and Extra-Vehicular Suit Design for Microgravity, Partial Gravity, and Mars webinar
February 4th, 2025 BINP – Politecnico di Bari Campus Universitario -Via Orabona 4 – Bari In the era of renewed space exploration, with missions aiming to establish a sustainable presence on the Moon and venture toward Mars, the design of advanced space suits is crucial to ensuring astronaut safety and...