Piccola Industria, the Organization of Confindustria (the General Confederation of Italian Industry) aimed to promote the development and growth of SMEs, organizes the National Day of Small and Medium Enterprises – SME DAY every year since 2010.
Innovation: the Beacon Council points to “Sistema Italia”
Fabio De Furia, president of the Miami Scientific Italian Community joins the board of two committees - "Creative Design" and "Life Sciences" - of the Beacon Council Miami-Dade County's Official Economic Partnership.
Carlo Robiglio new President of Piccola Industria of Confindustria
A distinguished member of the International Advisory Board of the Miami Scientific Italian Community, is the new President of Piccola Industria of Confindustria
Made In Italy: Italian SME’s protagonist of PMI DAY in U.S.
On November 17th, more than 50 Small and Medium-sized Italian Companies operating in the USA will be protagonist of the SME’s DAY
LUISS faculty mobility opportunities 2018-2019
LUISS promotes faculty exchange with its partner universities and welcomes members of academic institutions from around the world
Fenomeni che distolgono dai veri problemi: Viviamo di confronto e moriamo di conflitti.
Serve una classe dirigente di qualità che lavori per il bene comune, così Fabio De Furia interviene in merito alla crisi di cultura politica ed economica che sta coinvolgendo il nostro Paese e sollecita un atto di responsabilità che abbia un solo percorso di contenuti a tutela e interesse dei cittadini...
PMI DAY 2017 The Eighth National Day of Small and Medium-Sized Italian Companies in the USA
Save the Date - The Small Industry Chapter of Confindustria, the General Confederation of Italian Industry, organizes since 2010 the yearly National Day of Small and Medium Enterprises - SME DAY.
Al via “BIC GYM – Digital Marketing”
Il 10 ottobre parte “BIC GYM - Digital Marketing”, un percorso gratuito ideato da BIC Lazio per orientare a 360° le startup nel percorso di crescita del proprio business.
Partecipa a “SeaBootCamp”
SeaBootCamp è una iniziativa realizzata da BIC Lazio con il supporto di Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Centro Settentrionale e ITS - Fondazione Giovanni Caboto, in collaborazione con importanti partner come Invitalia, Marina Militare, Unindustria, e aziende del settore quali, Castalia Consorzio Stabile S.c.p.A.,Tecnoreef s.r.l., D’Amico Società di Navigazione SPA, PTS Group e dell’agenzia di stampa SailBiz.
Award for Italian researchers and startuppers operating abroad
Call for applications - The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has instituted the second annual Award for Italian researchers and startuppers operating abroad.