A seguito del Protocollo firmato con AGID, Conferenza delle Regioni ed ITACA in tema di domanda pubblica come leva di innovazione.
The event, organized by Piccola Industria Confindustria (Italy), will return in the United States, in synergy with the Miami Scientific Italian Community, to promote the spread of the Made in Italy business culture.
Dichiarazione d’Intenti tra Farnesina e Piccola Industria Confindustria
Consiglio Centrale Piccola Industria Confindustria Firma Dichiarazione d’Intenti tra MAECI e Piccola Industria Confindustria.
La Notte dei Ricercatori
Nella Notte dei ricercatori’, manifestazione promossa dall’Unione Europea il 28 settembre per sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica ai temi della ricerca e dell’innovazione, il Cnr organizza molti eventi a Milano, Pavia, Mestre, Padova, Parma, Bologna, Firenze, Pisa, Roma, Napoli, Caserta, Lecce, Bari, Potenza, Rende (Cs), Catanzaro, Palermo, Catania.
Smart Community: The Individual at the Center of Technological Innovation
The aim is to support, with specific events and publications, the development of smart ecosystems, starting with schools, to spread the design literacy, the propensity toward innovation and co-participation as agents of change and drivers of social innovation and territorial development.
Made in Italy: Think Tech Italia for the 4th year in the USA for Emerge Americas
Scientific research, innovation and technological know-how strategic assets of Italian companies
Made in Italy: Not only food and fashion – We are ready to export and make our talents and technologies known
Facilitate the creation of institutional information networks between Italy and United States on issues and opportunities offered by both markets, intercept and share new business models and innovative strategies and generate outgoing and incoming processes by permanently monitoring the territory.
Miami Boat Show – De Furia (MSIC): Increasing export “Made in Italy” through innovation, design and technology
Italian navigation presents its excellences at the Miami International Boat Show in Florida
Remarks by Ambassador Eisenberg at the Aspen Institute Italia
The United States and Italy have much in common, not just the creativity of the people, but also in the way that we are organized. Small, family-oriented, and medium-sized enterprises are at the core of our business culture, and we both value entrepreneurship and innovation.
Peering into the Cosmos
In the midst of an Alaskan winter, scientists from NASA and academic institutions around the world gathered together to launch four rockets into outer space with hopes to better understand the secrets of the cosmos.