European News

Diplomazia economica: quale impatto per la crescita del paese – Presentazione dell’analisi Prometeia

Si comunica che Confindustria organizza, in collaborazione con il Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, l’incontro “Quanto vale la diplomazia economica italiana. L’impatto economico del sostegno della Farnesina alle imprese italiane”, che si terrà a Roma (Viale dell’Astronomia, 30) il prossimo 31 Gennaio.

Technology and food innovation: a shared transatlantic challenge

Join us in a conversation about the impact of technology on food production, focusing on key issues such as sustainability, productivity and efficiency: how innovation affects food research, distribution and consumption. Mr. Guy Lamolinara, Co-Director, National Book Festival LoC (Moderator) Dr. Cecilia Bertolucci, CNR Project Foresight Prof. Carlo Alberto Pratesi,...


Mercoledì 6 maggio 2015 – 9.30-18.30 – Roma, LUISS Guido Carli, Viale Romania 32 Una giornata dedicata all’impegno delle organizzazioni responsabili, al ruolo del territorio, alla catena di fornitura sostenibile, alle opportunità per i giovani. In programma anche la premiazione degli Oscar della Sostenibilità e la presentazione dei progetti degli studenti di LUISS,...

Call for integrating Society in Science and Innovation

This topic will organise public outreach exhibitions and participatory events throughout the whole of Europe to engage citizens in science, drawing on the experience and capacity of science museums, Higher Education Institutions, science shops, scientific centres of excellence and innovation hubs, cities of scientific culture (e.g. building on the Seventh Framework programme PLACES initiative), but also grass root Do It Yourself (DiY) creative re-use communities (like movements, etc.), secondary schools, higher education centres, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and civil society organizations, local public authorities and other relevant stakeholders[1]. The topic will take-up and further develop the information and training material produced by the RRI Toolkit developed by the Seventh Framework Programme project RRI Toolkit.

Call for Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials and Production

Nanomaterials are intended to improve the performance of existing production technologies, and to give new functionalities to products, such as lightweight solutions for transportation and construction, enhanced properties for packaging materials and processes, decreased wear and friction of yarns, enhanced electrical performance and reliability and high-performance thermal insulation and UV shielding fibrous materials (e.g. hollow fibres). However, such new nanomaterials need to be introduced into production and the correct controlled conditions need to be created and maintained in industrial processes.

Call for making science education and careers attractive for young people

Identifier: H2020-SEAC-2014-1 Specific programme: EU.5.a. Theme(s): Type: Call for Proposals Publication Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2013 Deadline: Thu, 2 Oct 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time) Budget: 12.200.000,00 € Modification Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 Latest information: The website of the information day and brokerage event targeted at all stakeholders interested...

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)

The RISE scheme will promote international and inter-sector collaboration through research and innovation staff exchanges, and sharing of knowledge and ideas from research to market (and vice-versa) for the advancement of science and the development of innovation. The scheme fosters a shared culture of research and innovation that welcomes and rewards creativity and entrepreneurship and helps to turn creative ideas into innovative products, services or processes.

Bando Ambient Assisted Living Programme (AAL) – Care for the future

La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è fissata per il 26 giugno 2014 Lo scorso 28 marzo l’Associazione Ambient Assisted Living ha pubblicato il bando Care for the future, con l’obiettivo di favorire lo sviluppo di soluzioni ICT a supporto di modelli di cura sostenibili per il miglioramento della...

