
Stefano Corgnati is the new Rector of the Politecnico

Stefano Paolo Corgnati will lead the Politecnico di Torino for the next six years.   Corgnati, born in 1973, graduated with honors in Mechanical Engineering and PhD in Energetics, is Full Professor of Technical Environmental Physics at the Energy Department “Galileo Ferraris” (TEBE research group) of the Politecnico. A former...

Opportunità di tirocinio presso le Sedi del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale

Il MAECI ha in vigore una Convenzione con il MUR (Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca) e con la Fondazione CRUI (Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane) per l’attivazione di tirocini curriculari trimestrali presso le Rappresentanze diplomatiche italiane all’estero. Il programma di tirocini mira a integrare il percorso formativo universitario dello studente con un’esperienza concreta...

International Symposium “Italy in Transit”

VIII Symposium February 9-10, 2024   Organized by the FAU Italian Studies Program, in collaboration with the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute (New York) and the FAU Initiative for the Study of the Americas, under the patronage of the Consulate General of Italy in Miami. Guests are invited to...

European Research and Innovation Days 2024

The European Commission’s annual flagship research and innovation event brings together policymakers, researchers, stakeholders, and the public to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond through key policy debates, funding and networking opportunities, and dedicated workshops. This fifth edition will take place during the...

Testing in space for the groundbreaking EMSi, the first bionic spacesuit designed using technology from Politecnico di Bari

Among the planned activities is the testing of the new EMSi, an acronym for Electrical Muscle Simulation, the first bionic spacesuit for astronauts that was made by Apulian startup REA Space in collaboration with Politecnico di Bari   REA Spazio will conduct its first in-orbit test of the company’s Electrical...

Relazione sulla ricerca e l’innovazione in Italia

Presentata a Roma, presso la sede del Cnr, la quarta edizione della Relazione sulla ricerca e l’innovazione in Italia: un documento che delinea la posizione del nostro Paese nei settori della scienza e della tecnologia in riferimento al contesto internazionale, facendo luce anche sull’atteggiamento di fiducia nella scienza da parte...

Historic results for I3P startup incubator of Politecnico di Torino

More than 900 business ideas received and analysed, more than 120 projects launched, 23 start-ups admitted to incubation and, above all, more than €51 million in investments attracted by the companies in its network. These are the key figures for 2023 presented by I3P, the Innovative Companies Incubator of Politecnico...

