
DYNAMO: a new generation of scientists and hybrid nanopore technologies

A training network among 9 world-leading academic and industrial groups in Europe and coordinated by IIT, to educate 11 PhD students coming from all over the world in the areas of nanoscience, photonics and nanotechnology Their common goal is developing a next-generation technology able to explore the molecular structures of...

Historic Drilling Campaign Reaches more than 1.2-Million-Year-Old Ice

At the remote Little Dome C site in Antarctica, a research team representing twelve scientific institutions from ten European nations has just achieved a historic milestone for climate science. As part of the European-funded Beyond EPICA – Oldest Ice project, the team successfully concluded a decisive drilling campaign, reaching the...

Indoor air pollution harmful even at low concentrations of particulate matter

A study conducted by ENEA and the CNR Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC), in collaboration with Sapienza University of Rome and Milano-Bicocca University as part of the project VIEPI, funded by Inail and published in the journal Environmental Pollution, found that in urban areas indoor air conditions may...

Space: Nuclear, from ENEA and ASI a Moon Energy Hub

Producing electricity on the lunar surface via small nuclear-powered plants. This is the goal of the all-Italian SELENE project (Lunar Energy System with Nuclear Energy) funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and led by ENEA, in collaboration with the Energy Department at the Politecnico di Milano and Thales Alenia...

Think Tech Italia – Made in Italy Innovations Showcase – Miami

DE FURIA (MSIC): FLORIDA AS A CATALYST FOR MADE IN ITALY IN THE UNITED STATES Miami, March 24-28: Think Tech Italia Made in Italy Innovations Showcase “Florida can represent an incredible growth engine for the Italian scientific community and for Italian SMEs with a high degree of innovation. Strengthening our...

Giorgio Fossa will be the next president of LUISS

Giorgio Fossa is the new president of Luiss, the university of Confindustria. Fossa will replace Luigi Gubitosi, who has held the position for four years. Giorgio Fossa, entrepreneur, is currently the Chairman at Italianlink SpA, Chairman at Business School24. SpA, Director at Silvio Fossa SpA, and Sole Director at Mr....

AIRCARE Project Launched to Revolutionise AI-Driven Diagnosis and Treatment of UADT Cancers

Coordinated by the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT-Italian Institute of Technology), AIRCARE brings together leading research institutions, hospitals, and industry experts across Europe. The project aims to introduce advanced AI-driven and robotic technologies into clinical workflows, offering new standards of care in the detection, diagnosis, and treatment of UADT cancers....

New Insights into Brain Mechanisms Underlying Empathy

A research team from the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia has uncovered a key brain mechanism that modulates how animals react to others’ emotions. This discovery provides valuable insights into understanding psychiatric conditions where this specific socio-cognitive skill is impaired   A specific brain mechanism modulates how animals respond empathetically to...

The Italian National Space Day protagonist for the third year in Miami.

Established by directive of the Italian Prime Minister to celebrate the launch of the first Italian satellite, San Marco 1, which took place on December 15th 1964, which allowed Italy to be among the first countries in the world to overcome the Earth’s atmosphere. Since then Italy boasts many records...

