
Emergency Bridge Loan Program for Small Businesses Impacted by COVID-19

Activated the Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program to support small businesses impacted by COVID-19. The bridge loan program, managed by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO), will provide short-term, interest-free loans to small businesses that experienced economic injury from COVID-19. DEO will administer the Florida Small Business...

#covid19 – Ithaca e Regione Piemonte insieme per la produzione di cartografia satellitare ad altissima risoluzione

La Regione Piemonte ha attivato oggi, tramite il Dipartimento di Protezione Civile (DPC), il servizio Copernicus Emergency Management Service (EMS), per la produzione di cartografia di emergenza a supporto delle operazioni di contrasto alla pandemia COVID-19. La produzione dei dati sarà affidata all’Associazione Ithaca, ente partecipato del Politecnico di Torino...

#covid19 – A few personal reflections about COVID-19

I have been trying to write about the effect of the COVID-19 for more than a month now, but never got around to do it. To begin with, as for many, the complete rearrangement of my daily like left very little time for anything else. Don’t get me wrong, I...

Da Telesia la soluzione che consente alle aziende del trasporto pubblico di gestire i flussi dei passeggeri durante la Fase2 dell’emergenza Covid-19

La piattaforma si chiama People Movement Analyzer ed è in fase di approfondimento nelle metropolitane di Milano, Roma e Genova Telesia, leader della GO TV in Italia, offre alle aziende del trasporto pubblico locale (Tpl) uno strumento tecnologico a supporto della gestione dei flussi dei passeggeri in luoghi quali gli...

#covid19 – From wild tobacco new perspectives in the treatment of COVID-19

ENEA  among the 4 research centers of the international consortium  funded by the EU and coordinated by the Australian Queensland University Developing vaccines and biopharmaceuticals against the virus responsible for COVID-19 through DNA sequencing of the wild tobacco plant. An international consortium coordinated by the Queensland University of Technology in...

#covid19 – La ricerca CNR per l’emergenza Covid-19

L’11 marzo 2020 l’Organizzazione Mondiale di Sanità ha dichiarato la condizione di pandemia, relativamente alla diffusione del nuovo coronavirus SARS-CoV 2 e della patologia ad esso associata Covid-19. Questa pandemia non è solo una sfida per la tenuta economica e sociale delle nazioni, ma rappresenta anche una formidabile sfida per...

#covid19 – Fast access to HPC supercomputing facilities

The Associazione Big Data  (ABD) promotes fast access to HPC supercomputing facilities owned and managed by the members of the Association for projects that aim to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The members of the ABD that joined the action, CINECA, CMCC, ENEA, INFN-CNAF, almost represent the whole HPC...

#covid19 – PULVIRUS project to detect the link between pollution and COVID-19

An alliance to provide answers to institutions and citizens The launch of PULVIRUS, a joint research project among ENEA, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) and the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA, composed of ISPRA and the Regional Agencies of the National System for Environmental Protection) with the aim...

#covid19 – StatGroup-19

A professor of Sapienza University among the researchers who created a model which aims to predict the spread of COVID-19 contamination in Italy A team of Italian researchers, Giovanna Jona Lasinio of the Department of Statistical Sciences of Sapienza University of Rome, Fabio Divino (University of Molise), Alessio Farcomeni (University...

