HybriBot is the result of the collaboration between the IIT in Italy and the University of Freiburg in Germany. It weighs 60 mg and it has been tested with tomato, chicory and willow herb seeds, in various soils, such as sand and spotting soil Researchers at Istituto Italiano di...
Author Archives: MSIC
PMI DAY 2024: the fifteenth day of Italian SMEs in the U.S.
Piccola Industria, the Organization of Confindustria (the General Confederation of Italian Industry) aimed to promote the development and growth of SMEs, organizes the National Day of Small and Medium Enterprises – PMI DAY every year since 2010. This is an open day for Confindustria SMEs, focused on students and teachers....
Edoardo Bemporad is the new Director of Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials of the CNR
Edoardo Bemporad, Full Professor of Materials Science and Technology at the University of Rome 3, and a distinguished member of the International Advisory Board of the Miami Scientific Italian Community, has been appointed as the new Director of Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials (IPCB) – National Research Council of Italy...
Greentech Global Forum
September, 16th – 17th 2024 Rome Develop projects between large international players and local companies and encourage innovation and technology transfer between small and medium-sized enterprises and large companies. This is the objective of the 2024 edition of the “Greentech global forum“, annual event promoted by the Lazio Region...
Shiva Loccisano is the new CEO of AlmaCube
AlmaCube is the incubator and innovation hub of the University of Bologna and Confindustria Emilia Area Centro. After graduating in Industrial Biotechnology, Shiva Loccisano has obtained a PhD in Business and Management, a Master’s degree in Project Management for Business Performance and Innovation and now he is an IPMA certified...
Askanews launches a new editorial project: Italiani nel Mondo
Askanews, the Italian news agency and partner of the Miami Scientific Italian Community since 2013 that produces news in text, photo, and video form, is pleased to announce the launch of a new editorial project: Italiani nel Mondo Italiani nel Mondo, which offers a vast array of content devoted to politics,...
Bando per l’affidamento dei servizi per progetti di ricerca e sviluppo a tematiche disciplinari relativi a “studi di sistemi e tecnologie quantistici”
Procedura esperita ai sensi di quanto previsto dall’art.135 comma 1 lettera a) e nel rispetto dei principi di cui agli artt. 1, 2 e 3 del D. Lgs. n. 36/2023, nonché ai sensi dell’art. 55 del vigente Regolamento di Contabilità e Finanza dell’ASI – Scadenza: 13 settembre 2024, ore 12:00...
Teodoro Valente appointed to COPUOS presidency
The appointment of the president of the Italian Space Agency at a time of Italy’s special commitment to space and, in particular, to emerging countries The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) confirms the appointment of Prof. Teodoro Valente, president of the Italian Space Agency (ASI),...
The Stati Generali of the Associations of Italian Researchers Abroad: “Italy’s calling”
On September 28, 2024, the Stati Generali of the Associations of Italian Researchers Abroad will be held in Miami, Florida-USA, an exciting moment in the associative life of all the Associations of Italian Researchers Abroad who will work, united, to make Italy even more competitive. Together, paths and projects for...
Silicon recovered from discarded photovoltaic modules makes new battery material
From waste to resource. ENEA has patented a reduced environmental impact process to recover silicon from end-of-life photovoltaic panels and convert it into an innovative nano material used to build less expensive batteries with improved performance and extended lifespan. The patent is also useful in photovoltaic panels recycling plants and...