Author Archives: MSIC

New Insights into Brain Mechanisms Underlying Empathy

A research team from the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia has uncovered a key brain mechanism that modulates how animals react to others’ emotions. This discovery provides valuable insights into understanding psychiatric conditions where this specific socio-cognitive skill is impaired   A specific brain mechanism modulates how animals respond empathetically to...

Marco Baldocchi joins the Market Research Council

Marco Baldocchi, a distinguished member of Scientific Community of the Miami Scientific Italian Community, has been invited to join the Market Research Council, the oldest and one of the most prestigious organizations in the world dedicated to market research. Marco Baldocchi is a recognized expert in the application of neuroscience...

Claudia Brunori has been appointed Member of MSIC’s International Advisory Board

Dr. Claudia Brunori was born in 1970 and currently serves as the Director of the ENEA‘s (Italian Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development) Department of Sustainability. Dr. Claudia Brunori graduated from Sapienza University of Rome with a degree in chemistry. Dr. Brunori, a circular economy technology and...

Italian SME’s protagonist for second year at PMI DAY in Brazil

The National Day of Italian Small and Medium Enterprises organized by Piccola Industria of Confindustria, is returning to Brazil for the second year. On November 22nd, the Small and Medium-sized Italian Companies operating in Brazil will be protagonist of the PMI DAY – the Italian Small and Medium Enterprises Day organized by...

Governor DeSantis’ mission starts, first meeting Lazio

The Lazio Region offers a competitive environment for foreign investors, with a selection of incentives designed to support research, innovation, and industrial growth. The region’s pro-business policies, abundant talent pool, and thriving innovation ecosystem, make it an ideal location for establishing industrial and research partnerships and developing sustainable technological solutions....

“Meno ostacoli su Ricerca e Innovazione”. Intervista al Presidente De Furia

di Claudio Tucci, Il Sole 24 Ore   “L’Italia, e in particolare i ricercatori italiani all’estero, sono una fucina d’innovazione e di talento. Ma la politica va avanti con azioni frammentarie, manca una vision al 2050, una strategia, e occorre coinvolgere i corpi intermedi”. A lanciare l’appello a governo e istituzioni...

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Grants Prolong Pharmaceuticals FDA Fast Track Designation for Novel Stroke Therapy (PP-007) in HEMERA-1 Clinical Study. Dr. Italo Linfante, Principal Investigator.

Prolong Pharmaceuticals, LLC, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, announced today that its investigational therapy, PP-007 (PEGylated carboxyhemoglobin, bovine), has received Fast Track designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke (AIS). PP-007 is currently being evaluated for safety and efficacy in an ongoing...

