Author Archives: MSIC

Bando per l’affidamento dei servizi per progetti di ricerca e sviluppo a tematiche disciplinari relativi a “studi di sistemi e tecnologie quantistici”

Procedura esperita ai sensi di quanto previsto dall’art.135 comma 1 lettera a) e nel rispetto dei principi di cui agli artt. 1, 2 e 3 del D. Lgs. n. 36/2023, nonché ai sensi dell’art. 55 del vigente Regolamento di Contabilità e Finanza dell’ASI – Scadenza: 13 settembre 2024, ore 12:00...

Teodoro Valente appointed to COPUOS presidency

The appointment of the president of the Italian Space Agency at a time of Italy’s special commitment to space and, in particular, to emerging countries   The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) confirms the appointment of Prof. Teodoro Valente, president of the Italian Space Agency (ASI),...

Silicon recovered from discarded photovoltaic modules makes new battery material

From waste to resource. ENEA has patented a reduced environmental impact process to recover silicon from end-of-life photovoltaic panels and convert it into an innovative nano material used to build less expensive batteries with improved performance and extended lifespan. The patent is also useful in photovoltaic panels recycling plants and...

Electrified device for regenerating injured spinal cord

A biocompatible and completely flexible electrified device (scaffold), capable of guiding the regeneration of the injured spinal cord thanks to an innovative electrode is what the European project RISEUP has developed. This project, coordinated by ENEA, brings together Italian (Sapienza University of Rome and Rise Technology srl), Spanish (Polytechnic University...

Greentech Global Forum

September, 16th – 17th 2024 Rome   Develop projects between large international players and local companies and encourage innovation and technology transfer between small and medium-sized enterprises and large companies. This is the objective of the 2024 edition of the “Greentech global forum“, annual event promoted by the Lazio Region...

Paolo Boccardelli is the new Rector of the LUISS University

Starting in June 26th 2024, Prof. Boccardelli will assume the role of the new Rector   The Board of Directors of Luiss Guido Carli University, upon the proposal of President Luigi Gubitosi, has appointed Professor Paolo Boccardelli to succeed Prof. Andrea Prencipe, who has reached the end of his second...

Space, Italy set new record of proposals submitted to the IAC 2024 edition in October

From 14 to 18 October 2024, Milan will host the 75th edition of the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) where a wide range of innovative contents concerning all topics related to Space, including sustainability, will be discussed. The event, whose theme for the Italian...

