The Miami Scientific Italian Community’s President, Fabio De Furia received the Diploma of Honor from CTIM in recognition of his commitment and work om strengthening the economic and scientific relations between Italy and the United States.
The recognition was given to the President of the MSIC during the Conference in Miami of Italian Researchers in the World, now in its 14th edition, organized by CTIM in collaboration with the Miami Scientific Italian Community and the sponsorships of: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Ministry of Health , Istituto Superiore della Sanità, The Italian National Research Council , The Chamber of Deputies, Consiglio Generale degli Italiani all’estero of the Republic of Italy.
The event received appreciation, and institutional greetings have been addressed to the participating researchers by: President of Senat, Elisabetta Casellati, Ministry of Education University and Research, Lorenzo Fioramonti, Ministry of Health, Roberto Speranza, President of Istituto Superiore della Sanità, Silvio Brusaferro, President of Italian National Research Council, Massimo Inguscio, Consul General of Italy Cristiano Musillo, Executive Director, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program – Miami Dade College, Pamela Fuertes and Secretary General of CGIE Michele Schiavone.
Vincenzo Arcobelli, President of the Comitato Tricolore per gli Italiani nel Mondo, introduced the MSIC President, highlighting how he is held in high esteem in the Italian system, as a leading figure in the diplomatic scene of our country; he read the motivation mentioned in the Diploma of Honor awarded for special merits “Dr. Fabio De Furia, authentic Italian, Ambassador of Italy in the world. He stood out with dedication and ability in keeping up the good name of Italy abroad and defending the interests of Italians wherever they reside. He has also been able to promote the Italian excellence, to carry out different activities such as the Leonardo’s Way project and the PMI DAY in U.S., and to help foster scientific and economic relations between Italy and the USA”.
While receiving his Diploma, the President De Furia recalled “Our excellence abroad today is represented by those companies that daily compete on international markets with their own know-how and product. The activities of MSIC and its partners are precisely aimed to foster relations among researchers, to make technologies available, and to support the Italian system in the American market, to offer them all the epitome of Innovation, Research, Technological Transfer, Infrastructures, and Partnerships in order to reach a more profitable International Cooperation”.
Fabio De Furia is President and Managing Director of FINDEM Srl, Holding of the De Furia Group (Automotive, Construction, Finance and Communication); President of DM Consulting, Integrated Communications Company; President of “Abroad to” the First Community of Italian Companies Abroad; Director of Cogede Srl – Construction Company; Director of SIT Financial Development Technological Innovation; Member of Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation; Member of Creative Design and Life Sciences and Healthcare Committees of the Beacon Council – Miami-Dade County’s official economic development partnership; Director of the Information and Audiovisual Publishing Department of Unindustria Lazio and Director of the Retimpresa Technical Committee of Confindustria, the Italian industrial federation, for which, over the years, he held numerous positions.
He also published many articles in the field in Italian and international papers and participated as key speaker in many conferences, seminars, and workshops.