ICT for Heritage and Cultural Activities
ICT for Heritage and Cultural Activities in theMiami Scientific Italian Community promotes the development of research projects , making use of new technological solutions for the diagnosis, restoration, preservation, digitization and use of cultural heritage, are capable of enhancing the attractiveness of the area and its cultural and economic impact on society. In this contex , the Department is also involved in encouraging the emergence of spin-offs and the development of new enterprises.
Currently the issues of interest identified include:
- Archives and digital libraries;
- Usability, storage and security;
- Interactive museum;
- Websites for planning the visit and tour the interactive;
- 3D image reconstruction and virtual reality;
- Intelligent control of the environment and environmental conditions;
- Digital publishing and making movies, and apps;
- Restoration and conservation;
- Databases and 3D reconstructions;
- Systems for assessing and monitoring the risk and vulnerability of the Cultural Heritage related to environmental conditions in a broad sense, including geological hazards , biological and structural.