Green Economy
Strategic lines of development activities in the field of ENERGY
The Miami Scientific Italian Community consider the issue of energy a strategic industry for the development of the productive system of the area, both in terms of innovation in terms of both for efficiency. In this context, the Miami Scientific Italian Community is a point of reference for the system of enterprises and the national and local institutions , and focus their efforts to find solutions to improve energy efficiency, for the exploitation of the electric vector in end uses and renewable sources, with a view to the development of smart cities and the creation of a gas hub.
The Miami Scientific Italian Community aims to investigate specific topics of action through the definition of proposals and/or addresses of activity and with the wider involvement of the production system at institutions and organizations (government, universities, research institutions, bodies control , etc.). both locally and across borders. The areas of intervention of the Miami Scientific Italian Community concern, therefore, the research and innovation for the protection and development of the energy industry, its supply chain and smart cities.
It is essential to safeguard and enhance the existing energy industry and encourage the development of green supply chain for the redevelopment of sites and brownfields. This will be done through the establishment of guidelines for an energy plan of the Florida region, encouraging the use of renewable sources, the simplification of procedures and the structuring of operational areas/sectors.
The regional energy industry requires firm action to activate its potential for development through the establishment of protocols to create and protect investments for the development of the energy technology sector, the garrison of the sources of supply and the implementation of networks.
You have to move according to the director of a strategic collaboration of all the actors involved, even with the mobility and ICT sectors, to encourage the creation of “smart cities” on the model of best practices nationally and internationally. This can be achieved through the effective use of European funds in order to optimize the management of public utility services, the enhancement and integration of infrastructure networks and sustainable mobility.
The area needs a comprehensive and unified vision and the Miami Scientific Italian Community has the ambition to become the pole catalyst in the field of research and technological innovation through the establishment of partnerships and synergies in concert with the whole territorial system (institutions, universities, Research Centres, and local Associations of category, Scientific Institutes and centers of Excellence) for the use, in line with the Framework Programme Horizon 2020 of all resources available at European, national and local levels. In this context, will analyze the needs of the enterprise system, regulatory issues, financial, and technological innovation in the field of energy and will be promoted specific projects of Innovation, Research and Start Up.